Starfield:Breaking the Bank - Starfield Wiki (2024)


  • 1 Quick Walkthrough
  • 2 Walkthrough
    • 2.1 Join The Event
    • 2.2 Get The BalBank Creds
    • 2.3 (Optional) Steal the Earth Savior Award
    • 2.4 Access the GalBank Archives
  • 3 Companion Affinity
  • 4 Notable Loot
  • 5 Mission Stages

Head to the Siren of the Stars to steal GalBank credentials.
Mission Giver:Naeva Mora
Location(s):Siren of the Stars, GalBank Archives
Rewards (If ES Award is given to Naeva)
Credits?:Faction Large
Rewards (If ES reward is not given to Naeva)
Credits?:Faction Medium
Rewards (Verification needed: There is a credit reward side small for stage 152 (Larry Dumbrosky - Fleeced for extra credits)
Verification needed: There is an 150 xp reward for stage 685 (Full Award)
Verification needed: There is an 150 xp reward for stage 690 (Half Award))
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Echoes of the PastBurden of ProofThe Best There Is

The Starview Ballroom of the Siren of the Stars

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Travel to the Siren of the Stars orbiting Aranae IV.
  2. Speak to Evgeny Rokov.
  3. Steal the Galbank access card.
    1. (Optional) Kill Larry Dumbrosky. This will trigger alarms, so fight your way off of the Siren of the Stars.
    2. Talk to people about Larry Dumbrosky.
    3. Talk to Klaudia Swist about her role with Larry.
    4. Talk to Gabriel Vera about his role with Larry and Klaudia.
    5. Start a shipwide emergency by turning off one of the life support systems.
    6. Convince, or kill, Gabriel to get evidence on Larry.
    7. Talk to Larry and convince him to give you his access card.
  4. (Optional) Steal the Earth Savior Award.
    1. Talk to Sheila Holbrooke to learn the location of the award.
    2. Break into the Chief Pursers computer to learn that you will need a Claim ID to obtain the award.
    3. One of:
      1. Persuade Sheila to give you the Claim ID
      2. Hero Worshipped: use your trait to get it from her.
      3. Cut Evgeny Rokov into the deal and use the slate A New Partnership to blackmail the Claim ID from her.
  5. Travel to the GalBank Archives on New Atlantis.
  6. Enter and deal with the Ecliptic ambush.
  7. Get information about the lost ship GalBank Legacy.
  8. Return to The Key.


Join The Event[edit]

Travel to Siren of Siren of the Stars orbiting Aranae IV. Onboard, you'll meet with Captain Evgeny Rokov. He's onto your plan and would like to use it to get into the good graces of the Crimson Fleet again, of which he is a former member. He tells you that the ship is currently host to the Terran Preservation Society, a group of people who try to "keep earth's old traditions alive". He thinks poorly of them and views it as a glorified excuse to feel good while partying. He directs you to mingle amongst the guests to learn more about Larry Dumbrosky, while also warning you that any violence onboard the ship will be immediately detected.

If you wish, you can cut the mission short by finding Larry, located in the back of the ball room in the VIP area, and killing him for his access card. Doing so causes the entire ship to fight against you, turning the mission into a bloodbath. Be aware that once this is done the ship's safe, which contains the Earth Savior Award, will be permanently locked.

Get The BalBank Creds[edit]

Speak to Society Patrons until you learn that Larry has taken a paramour Klaudia Swist. She's located back in the guest accommodations area near the entrance to the crew quarters. You can either talk and convince her to give up what she knows about Larry, or travel to her stateroom and to find My Darling Klaudia which causes her to immediately give up Larry.

She points you towards Gabriel Vera as another accomplish. However, he refuses to talk to you. Returning to Rokov, he says the Gabriel will most likely be willing to talk if you get him alone. You decide to stage a fake emergency onboard and disable one of the redundant life support systems. This, according to Rokov, will force everyone back into their staterooms.

Heading to the engineering section, you find Chief Engineer Sandin at his station. Convince, bribe, or forgive his gambling debts to Rokov to get him to leave his post and leave behind his key card. Use his card to enter the climate control area and pull all 3 switches to disable the life control, triggering the shipwide alarm. Return to Gabriel and convince him to give up evidence that he has on Larry.

Finally, go to Larry and present the information that you have about him. He readily gives up his GalBank credentials.

(Optional) Steal the Earth Savior Award[edit]

Talk to Sheila Holbrooke. If the emergency alarm is not on, she is near the entrance to the ballroom. Otherwise, she is in her stateroom. Talk to her to discover that the award is over the safeguard of Chief Purser Murata in the ship's safe. If you talk to her you discover that she is a straight laced member of the ship and can not be convinced to give up the award, unlike most of the rest of the crew you have talked to. Once the shipwide alarm is active, she will leave her post and you can break into her computer.

This reveals that to get the award, you will need the Claim ID from Sheila. Return to her and get the code from her in one of two ways:

  • Convince her via persuasion.
  • (If you have the trait Hero Worshipped) tell her that you are saving the award, and she'll give it over.
  • Talk to Evgeny, who will hand over blackmail for Sheila if you cut him in on the heist.

Return to the ship's safe and get the award.

Access the GalBank Archives[edit]

Travel to the GalBank Archives on New Atlantis. Travel upstairs and talk to the cagey guard at the entrance, who lets you in with minimal issue. Once you enter, you will be ambushed by Ecliptic. Dispatch them, then get the information from the Archive machine.

Return to The Key and talk to Delgado and Naeva.

If you are still on good terms with SysDef, return to UC Vigilance and report on the progress.

Companion Affinity[edit]

There are multiple affinity events that can happen during this mission.

AffinityStageAndrejaBarrettSam CoeSarah Morgan

When you blend into the gala.[affinity 1]




If you use your Empathy to notice how enraged Swist is.[affinity 2]


If you agree with Swist that Dumbrosky should be manipulated.[affinity 3]




If you tell Swist that she's as bad as he is.[affinity 4]



When you successfully mess with the life support.[affinity 5]

Player is aboard the starliner and along with Captain Rokov, hatch a plan to get all of the passengers into their quarters, so the Player can safely skulk about. The plan involves tampering with the ship's life support to cause a false positive alarm. The scary part is messing with the life support at all. Prompts differ, so check them out how the Companion might react.[affinity 6]


Player is aboard the starliner and along with Captain Rokov, hatch a plan to get all of the passengers into their quarters, so the Player can safely skulk about. The plan involves tampering with the ship's life support to cause a false positive alarm. The scary part is messing with the life support at all. Prompts differ, so check them out how the Companion might react.[affinity 7]

If you cut Rokov in on some of the pay from the job.[affinity 8]

  1. In order to gain information on Dumbrosky, Player needs to attend a gala charity function on the starliner. Blending into a society party is an unusual way to gain information, but going loud on the ship would cause a huge combat/incident.
  2. Player is aboard the starliner and speaking to a woman (Swist) who is having an affair with an absolute jerk named Dumbrosky (who, in turn, is a manipulative embezzler). Player is asking why have an affair with a man like that. Companion can respond in various ways. In this one, Player used their Empathy to notice how enraged Swist is.
  3. Player is aboard the starliner and speaking to a woman (Swist) who is having an affair with an absolute jerk named Dumbrosky (who, in turn, is a manipulative embezzler). Player is asking why have an affair with a man like that. Companion can respond in various ways. Here, Player agrees Dumbrosky should be manipulated.
  4. Player is aboard the starliner and speaking to a woman (Swist) who is having an affair with an absolute jerk named Dumbrosky (who, in turn, is a manipulative embezzler). Player is asking why have an affair with a man like that. Companion can respond in various ways. In this case, Player threw an insult saying she's as bad as he is.
  5. Whew. The notion of tampering with the life support me worried for a moment there, but it sounds like you know what you're doing.
  6. Player is aboard the starliner and along with Captain Rokov, hatch a plan to get all of the passengers into their quarters, so the Player can safely skulk about. The plan involves tampering with the ship's life support to cause a false positive alarm. The scary part is messing with the life support at all. Prompts differ, so check them out how the Companion might react.
  7. Player is aboard the starliner and along with Captain Rokov, hatch a plan to get all of the passengers into their quarters, so the Player can safely skulk about. The plan involves tampering with the ship's life support to cause a false positive alarm. The scary part is messing with the life support at all. Prompts differ, so check them out how the Companion might react.
  8. Player decided to honor his deal with Rokov by at least cutting him in for some of the pay from the job, evem though Player didn't recommend he join the Crimson Fleet. It was honorable for the Player to not welch on that part of the deal.

Notable Loot[edit]

  • Request Denied (Evidence): In captain Evgeny Rokov's room on Siren of the Stars, located on a table next to his bed. Part of the mission Burden of Proof
  • GalBank Plan (Evidence): Obtained from Gabriel Vera during Breaking the Bank. Part of the mission Burden of Proof

Mission Stages[edit]

Breaking the Bank (CF04)
StageFinishes MissionMission Entry
0(=DEBUG START - On Siren at the beginning=)
1(=DEBUG START - Ballroom Rumors=)
2(=DEBUG START - Speak to Klaudia=)
3(=DEBUG START - Speak to Vera=)
4(=DEBUG START - Speak to Rokov=)
5(=DEBUG START - Disable Life Support=)
6(=DEBUG START - Lockdown Begins=)
7(=DEBUG START - Final Dumbrosky Confront=)
8(=DEBUG START - Rokov Wrap-Up=)
9(=DEBUG START - GalBank Archives on NA=)
10(=DEBUG START - Key Wrap-Up=)
11(=DEBUG START - Naeva ES Talk=)
12(=DEBUG START - Vigilance Wrap-Up=)
14(=DEBUG START - Legit Playthrough=)
15(Travel to the Siren of the Stars)
To discover more about the Legacy, the GalBank transport with a fortune in credits, I need to proceed to the Siren of the Stars. This starliner is captained by Rokov, a former member of the Crimson Fleet.
18(SysDef Shutdown)
20(Dock with the Siren of the Stars)
I've arrived at the Siren of the Stars. I should dock with and board the starliner so I can speak to Evgeny Rokov.
30(Speak with Evgeny Rokov)
I've boarded the Siren of the Stars. I should now locate and speak to Evgeny Rokov about acquiring the credentials for the GalBank Archives.
31(Forcegreet Done)
32("Full Timer" Global Set)
33(Rokov - Player Lied about Earth Savior Award)
40(Ask Society Patrons about Larry Dumbrosky)
To learn more about the Legacy, I need the credentials of Larry Dumbrosky, a GalBank executive. I need to approach him cautiously, so I should gather information at the charity gala occurring aboard the Siren of the Stars.
50(Toggle Larry Dumbrosky Death)
55(Love Note Toggle)
60(Speak to Klaudia Swist)
I've discovered that Larry Dumbrosky is having an affair with someone named Klaudia Swist. I should speak to her and see if she's willing to give me more information about Dumbrosky.
61(Swist Walk-Away)
62(Klaudia - Speech Challenge Win)
63(Klaudia - Speech Challenge Lose)
65(Swist - Bribed)
66(Swist - Note Removed)
70(Speak to Gabriel Vera)
Klaudia Swist has disclosed her role in a scheme to embezzle cash from GalBank, implicating Larry Dumbrosky and someone named Gabriel Vera. I should speak to Vera and see if he can help obtain leverage on my target.
90(Return to Evgeny Rokov)
Gabriel Vera is refusing to admit having any involvement with Swist and Dumbrosky's embezzlement scheme. I should meet up with Rokov and see if he has any ideas on how to get Vera to talk.
100(Speak to Chief Engineer Sandin)
Rokov suggested that I coax Gabriel Vera into his cabin by sabotaging the starliner's life support sensors. Then I should be able to confront him in private. I should proceed to that section of the ship.
105(Sandin - used gambling debt as a pass)
106(Sandin - Bribed)
107(Sandin - Killed)
110(Gain access to the Life Support System)
120(Disable the Life Support System)
121(Switch One Deactivated)
122(Switch Two Deactivated)
123(Switch Three Deactivated)
130(LOCKDOWN ACTIVE - Confront Gabriel Vera)
After sabotaging the life support sensors, I've tripped the starliner's "lockdown mode." All of the passengers should be sequestered in their passenger cabins. I can now confront Gabriel Vera out of the public's view.
135(Gabriel Vera, Exited Conversation)
142(Gabriel Vera, CF Dialogue)
143(Gabriel Vera, SYSDEF Dialogue)
145(Gabriel Vera, Combat)
148(Gabriel Vera, Paid Off)
149(Gabriel Vera, Killed)
150(Confront Larry Dumbrosky)
I've recovered hard evidence of Larry Dumbrosky's part in the GalBank embezzlement scheme. It's time to approach him and gain the credentials I've been taking great pains to carefully acquire.
152(Larry Dumbrosky - Fleeced for extra credits)
155(Larry Dumbrosky - Combat)
158(Larry Dumbrosky - Killed - Credentials In Hand)
Larry Dumbrosky is dead. I should now speak to Rokov.
160(Return to Evgeny Rokov)
I've acquired Larry Dumbrosky's GalBank credentials. Time to wrap things up with Rokov, then head to New Atlantis and the GalBank Archives.
165(Rokov - mentioned Kryx's Legacy)
248(Vera Killed - Evidence Picked Up)
260(Kill Larry Dumbrosky)
I've caused a violent disturbance aboard the Siren of the Stars. The only choice I have at this point is to hunt down and kill Larry Dumbrosky.
270(Retrieve Dumbrosky's GalBank Credentials)
280(Locate and Speak to Rokov)
310(Proceed to New Atlantis)
330(Enter the GalBank Archives)
Now that I've landed in New Atlantis, I should proceed to the GalBank Archives to locate any data on the GalBank Transport "Legacy."
340(Deal with the GalBank Guard)
I've entered the GalBank Archives. I should deal with the guard on duty in order to gain full access.
342(GalBank Guard, Admitted)
343(GalBank Guard, Didn't Admit)
344(GalBank Guard, Killed)
After dealing with the guard, I am now free to enter the GalBank Archives and search for the information regarding the GalBank Transport "Legacy."
345(GalBank Guard, Combat)
346(GalBank Guard, Interaction Done)
After dealing with the guard, I am now free to enter the GalBank Archives and search for the information regarding the GalBank Transport "Legacy."
347(GalBank Guard, Disable)
350(Deal with the Ecliptic ambush)
370(Recover information regarding the Legacy)
After dealing with Ecliptic's ambush, I should now proceed to recover the information regarding the GalBank Transport "Legacy."
410(Proceed to the Key)
I've gained all the information I can regarding the GalBank Transport "Legacy." I should now return to the Key and report my findings to Delgado.
420(Speak to Delgado)
425(Delgado Forcegreet Done)
430(Rokov is in - Player Choice)
435(Rokov is out PLUS cash - Player Choice)
440(Rokov is out - Player Choice)
450(Follow Naeva)
After reporting my actions on the Siren of the Stars to Delgado, Naeva wants me to follow her and then speak to her about the Earth Savior Award.
460(Naeva Escort Done - Speak to Naeva)
510(Proceed to the UC Vigilance)
I've gained all the information I can regarding the GalBank Transport "Legacy" and its location at Bannoc IV. I should now return to the Vigilance and report my findings to Commander Ikande.
520(Speak to Commander Ikande)
525(Ikande Forcegreet Done)
530(Violence - Strike One)
540(Violence - Strike Two)
545(Violence - Strike Two + Combat)
605(Sheila Holbrooke Killed)
610((Optional) Speak to Sheila about the ES Award)
612(Sheila, Win - Speech Challenge)
613(Sheila, Lose - Speech Challenge)
617(Sheila Evidence Given)
620((Optional) Speak to Ship's Purser about the ES Award)
622(Murata, SC Fail)
623(Murata, SC Win)
625(Murata Killed)
630((Optional) Acquire the ES Award Claim ID)
635(Found optional way to get Claim ID)
640((Optional) Steal the ES Award)
650(Rokov Note Help Toggle)
660(Done with ES First Discussion)
680((Optional) ES Award Acquired - Give to Naeva)
685(Full Award)
690(Half Award)
695(No Award)


  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering setstage CF04 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission using resetquest CF04.

Starfield Crimson Fleet/Sysdef Missions

Main Missions

Deep CoverRook Meets KingEchoes of the PastBreaking the BankThe Best There IsAbsolute PowerEye of the StormLegacy's End (Sys Def)Legacy's End (Fleet)

Side Missions

Burden of ProofReclaiming the PastDoctor's Orders

Board Missions


Starfield:Breaking the Bank - Starfield Wiki (2024)


How do you access the pursers safe in Starfield breaking the bank? ›

Once you learn about Sheila, you can find her on the upper deck. She'll tell you that the award is locked away in the Master Safe in the Purser's office. Head through the door to the guest suites to find Chief Murata and the safe. She'll inform you that the safe can only be unlocked with Sheila's claim ID.

Should you betray Huan Starfield? ›

- Huan gets away safely, and the Crimson Fleet are pleased. If you plan on siding with the fleet, it's better to not betray Huan.

How to start breaking the bank in Starfield? ›

Breaking the Bank Walkthrough
  1. Breaking the Bank Walkthrough Guide.
  2. Reach the Starview Ballroom.
  3. Blackmailing Larry Dumbrosky.
  4. Activate the Shipwide Emergency.
  5. Obtain the Galbank Credentials.
  6. Visit the New Atlantis Galbank Archives.
  7. Return to Delgado.
  8. Debrief at the UC Vigilance.
Oct 4, 2023

Should I join the Crimson Fleet or UC? ›

Siding with the Crimson Fleet offers better rewards, including access to a pirate base and valuable ship components. The final decision should be based on the player character's interests and alignment, whether it's law and order with Uc or power and profit with the Crimson Fleet.

Can you get kicked out of SysDef? ›

At one point during that mission I shot a cleaning robot, with no witnesses. I thought nothing of damaging equipment and mostly forgot about it. Then I reported in and was promptly arrested (as if I'd shot a person) and ejected from UC-SysDef. I was a pirate now, after undermining them as much as I could.

Can you steal Kryx Legacy? ›

You can't keep it, sadly. You could leave the quest in a state of pending if you wanted, which is essentially keeping it, but to do that you'd have to avoid going to the Key and going to the Vanguard, entirely, because once you visit either you cycle it to the next phase of the mission.

Can you romance in Starfield? ›

Like many major RPGs, Starfield lets you fall in love with companions as you travel. Romance in Starfield serves many purposes beyond just roleplay, though: you'll get frequent gifts, unlock exciting new quests, and even net a large XP bonus that'll help you level up faster.

Is Mathis a bad guy in Starfield? ›

While Mathis seems like quite the unscrupulous character, in reality, he's one of the few morally gray companions in Starfield, making him unique enough to keep around and recruit.

What happens if you betray Crimson Fleet in Starfield? ›

However, betraying SysDef can still sour the people of Vanguard against them, and may put an end to their time with UC. Similarly, betraying the Crimson Fleet closes that chapter of the story, too.

Can you be a pirate in Starfield? ›

Joining the Starfield Crimson Fleet pirate faction requires a bit of undercover UC work at first, but you can commit to the space pirate life if antagonising the Settled Systems calls to you. The Crimson Fleet is certainly the most cutthroat of the various Starfield factions that you can join.

Should I steal the ES award in Starfield? ›

Absolutely! While it will take a bit of extra effort, it's well worth the reward. When undertaking the Breaking the Bank quest, you have the opportunity to steal the Earth Savior Award after speaking to Naeva about it.

Can you steal ships in Starfield? ›

To steal a ship in Starfield is a fairly simple process once you know how: Find the ship you want to steal and disable it in combat, using weapon targeting systems to specifically take out its engines without destroying it. At this point you should be able to board the disabled ship.

Will Constellation be mad if I join the Crimson Fleet? ›

Then of course, Constellation will get mad at you if you choose Fleet, but that's an easy fix like usual by just rebuilding your companionship back up.

What happens if SysDef becomes your enemy in Starfield? ›

This will permanently make you an enemy of UC SysDef, but a member of the Crimson Fleet will approach you on Mars to join the Crimson Fleet that follows the same intro path of proving your worth!

What happens if I refuse commander ikande? ›

Refusing means you'll have to find the ship later to initiate the quest. Depending on how you handle this, you may make yourself an element of Commander Ikande and lock yourself out of a crucial choice later.

How to get the GalBank key in Starfield? ›

Once you're inside the GalBank Vault, go downstairs and search with Sam to find the maps. Sam will give you the Coe GalBank Key, and you can begin to check the safety deposit boxes for the maps. In one of the safety deposit boxes, you'll find a Note For Sam.

Should I steal the Earth Savior Award in Starfield? ›

While it will take a bit of extra effort, it's well worth the reward. When undertaking the Breaking the Bank quest, you have the opportunity to steal the Earth Savior Award after speaking to Naeva about it. It will take a bit of planning to get it from its place in the safe, but once you have it, it's yours.

How to access the key in Starfield? ›

The Key Location

Players can find The Key space station in the Kryx star system. This station revolves around Suvorov, a Rock-Type planet that serves as the dwelling place of The Lock. As the headquarters of the Crimson Fleet, The Key is only accessible after players beat the first two action missions.

Should you give an ES award to Naeva? ›

Lying to Rokov at the start and giving Naeva the ES Award will grant the highest possible credit reward during this quest. It gives you 6000 Credits, plus the Quest Credit Reward which scales to your player level. The alternative is keeping the Award, which results in Naeva not giving you any quest rewards.


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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