Ring Avulsion Injuries and Injury From a Wedding Band (2024)

Ring avulsions are rare injuries in which soft tissue like a ligament, tendon, or muscle is torn loose in the finger when a ring is suddenly and accidentally pulled off. Also called degloving, this could cause a range of problems from mild bruising to damage to bones, blood vessels, ligaments, or nerves.

In rare and extreme cases, a ring avulsion might result in finger amputation. Most people will never experience a ring avulsion, but if you work in a job where you’re more likely to catch your ring, you may be at risk.

This article discusses the causes, symptoms, and risks of ring avulsions. Learn how it’s diagnosed and treated, and how you can prevent this type of injury.

Ring Avulsion Injuries and Injury From a Wedding Band (1)

What Is Ring Avulsion?

A ring avulsion occurs when the ring crushes into the finger and is ripped away.

It may not look like there’s much damage, but the finger could be injured beneath the skin. Sometimes, several layers of skin are pulled off during the accident.

If blood vessels are damaged, the blood supply to surrounding tissue can be cut off. In severe cases, you may need surgery to repair blood vessels or tissue.

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Symptoms of Ring Avulsion Injury

Getting your ring ripped off is painful. There may be skin damage and bleeding, but it depends on the severity of the injury.

If your finger isn’t bleeding or noticeably injured, watch for other symptoms that can indicate internal damage, such as:

  • Swelling of the entire finger
  • Discoloration: appearing red or bruised
  • Feeling warm
  • Numbness and tingling down the finger
  • Stiffness and loss of function
  • Deformity: fractured or bent in unnatural ways

When to See a Healthcare Provider

You should have your finger checked any time an avulsion occurs, even if there doesn’t seem to be any damage. Call 911 or have someone take you to the emergency department if you’re bleeding a lot or if the finger is completely or partially detached.

Tips for Navigating the ER

What Causes Ring Avulsion Injuries?

Ring avulsions are usually the result of an accident, such as a fall or a mistake made when using machinery.

Dramatic stories and studies show that simple accidents can result in serious injuries. Here are three real-world examples of ring avulsion injuries:

  1. Surgery to restore blood flow: In 2015, comedian Jimmy Fallon spent 10 days in the ICU because of a ring avulsion. During a six-hour surgery, the doctor performed a graft by taking part of a vein from Fallon’s foot and placing it in his finger. This restored blood flow to the finger.
  2. Loss of a finger: A 2020 study reported the case of a machine operator whose wedding band got caught in heavy machinery. His finger was not fractured, but the tendon was stripped from the bone and his blood supply was cut off. Unfortunately, the finger had to be amputated.
  3. Internal damage: In another incident, a man slipped on his boat. His ring got caught on the boat as he fell, and he was suspended by his finger for several seconds. Although his finger only looked bruised with minor a cut, imaging tests showed nerve and blood vessel damage. He, too, had a vein graft and 16 months of physical therapy to regain full range of motion.

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Diagnosing Ring Avulsion

Doctors diagnose ring avulsion injuries using the Kay classification system. This rates the injury based on blood circulation and skeletal damage. The table below lists the classes from least to most severe.

ClassAvulsion Severity
1Blood supply to the finger has not been cut off, and there may or may not be injury to the bone.
2Blood supply has been cut off, but there’s no bone injury.
3Blood supply has been cut off, and a bone or joint is injured.
4-AThe finger is amputated, and blood supply to the artery is cut off.
4-BThe finger is amputated, and blood supply to veins is cut off.

The main concern is blood flow to and from the finger. If blood flow is cut off, you could lose the finger.

There’s also a risk of arterial thrombosis, a blood clot in an artery. If that were to develop, it would stop blood flow to major organs.

Two tests are usually used to measure blood flow:

  • Arteriogram: This is a special type of X-ray that examines your arteries. A radiologist (a doctor who specializes in imaging) performs this test. Your hand will be numbed with local anesthesia or you’ll be made unconscious with general anesthesia. A flexible tube called a catheteris inserted into your arteries. It will release a contrast dye, which will show up on X-ray images. This reveals any breaks or problems in the blood vessels.
  • Ultrasound: This non-invasive test measures blood flow by bouncing high-frequency sound waves off of red blood cells in veins and arteries. You don’t need anesthesia for this procedure.

An orthopedic doctor who specializes in hands should examine your finger.

Imaging tests are done to determine the extent of an avulsion and whether or not blood flow is impeded.

How Is Ring Avulsion Treated?

If you experience a ring avulsion, you need to get medical attention right away—whether you think the injury is significant or not. Never underestimate the potential for blood loss.

Doctors have had success mending serious injuries such as damaged blood vessels and severed tissue. Still, there’s the risk of finger loss in some very extreme cases.

Follow first aid advice to manage any bleeding and help protect your finger from further damage on the way to seeking medical care.

First Aid for Ring Avulsion

If your finger is still intact and you’re bleeding, apply pressure with gauze, bandages, or clean fabric like a T-shirt or towel.

Only try to remove the ring if it can easily slide off without causing more pain or injury. Forcing the ring to come off when there’s swelling or skin degloving can make the injury worse.

If your finger has been amputated:

  • Call 911 or have someone take you to the ER.
  • Apply pressure to stop the bleeding and keep your hand elevated above your heart.
  • Have someone help you wash the detached finger with clean water.
  • Wrap the detached finger in dry gauze and put it in a sealed bag or waterproof container.
  • Keep the bag or container on ice until you reach the ER. Don’t place the finger itself directly on ice.

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Ring avulsion injuries usually require microvascular reconstruction surgery. For class 1 injuries, doctors will focus on closing open wounds and repairing tendons or muscles. For class 2 and higher, a hand surgeon or plastic surgeon will use tiny instruments to reconnect broken blood vessels and restore blood flow. Broken bones may also need to be reset.

If the injury falls within class 3, there’s still a possibility your finger can be reattached. Before trying that, your surgeon will consider how much damage has been done to the soft tissues and how likely it is that you’ll regain function.

Any time blood flow is lost, there is a chance blood vessels won’t function right even after surgery. Even class 2 avulsion injuries can cause circulation problems that lead to the need for amputation.

It is far less likely that a class 4 amputated finger will be reattached. However, following the first aid guidelines to protect the detached finger en route to the hospital increases the chances that a surgeon will be able to reattach it.

How to Treat an Avulsion Wound


A ring avulsion is serious. Sometimes the skin isn’t broken, but internal ligaments, muscle, or even bone and blood vessels are injured. If you don’t get proper medical attention, your finger could be permanently disfigured, or you might lose strength and mobility. In some cases, the blood vessels may be destroyed, and if they can’t be repaired, the finger may need to be amputated.

How to Prevent Ring Avulsion Injuries

There are steps you can take to prevent ring avulsion injury. Some of these are required in some workplaces.

Remove Your Rings

Remove rings before working, especially if your job involves harsh or slippery conditions, heavy machinery, or anything that puts you at risk of falling.

It’s also smart to remove rings before doing home improvements or yard work, playing sports, exercising, or enjoying hobbies. It’s especially important if you know you’re prone to accidents.

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Wear a Silicone Ring

Rings made of silicone have become popular. These inexpensive bands are designed to break if they get snagged on an object. Some brands combine precious metals with the silicone to give them a sense of style and rarity. Others are made specifically for outdoor enthusiasts and people with active lifestyles.


Ring avulsion injuries are rare but can be very serious. They’re usually caused by accidents in the workplace or during physical labor. A ring gets caught on something and quickly pulls the finger, resulting in anything from severe bruising to amputation.

Even if your finger looks fine, it’s important to have it checked by a healthcare provider. Don’t delay medical attention. The moment an avulsion occurs, you should call 911 and start first aid right away.

OSHA Compliance for First Aid in the Workplace

14 Sources

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Jones M, Gujral S. Ring Avulsion Injuries. Eplasty. 2016 Feb 10;16:ic5. PMID: 26933469

  2. Latifi R, El-Hennawy H, El-Menyar A, et al. The therapeutic challenges of degloving soft-tissue injuries. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2014;7(3):228-232. doi:10.4103/0974-2700.136870

  3. Gopalakrishna A. Avulsion amputation of the ring finger managed by double cross finger flap: 25 years follow-up. Indian J Plast Surg. 2014;47(03):444-446. doi:10.4103/0970-0358.146656

  4. Chiu DTW, Matthew MK, Patel A. The impact of microsurgery on the treatment of ring avulsion injuries. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019;144(6):1351-1357. doi:10.1097/PRS.0000000000006276

  5. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Finger fractures.

  6. National Health Service. Soft tissue injury: finger.

  7. Los Angeles Times. Jimmy Fallon shares gory details of his finger surgery, won't get feeling back after 8 weeks.

  8. Horn A, Freniere B, Sheng AY. A case report of ring avulsion injury: under-recognized for its unique implications in transfer.Clin Pract Cases Emerg Med. 2021;5(1):75-78. doi:10.5811/cpcem.2020.11.49917

  9. Bouz A, Liu Y, Yamaguchi K, Friedrich J. Closed ring avulsion injury with isolated arterial insufficiency. J Hand Surg. 2021 Aug;3(4):1-4. doi:10.1016/j.jhsg.2021.07.004

  10. Hamzan M, Jeffrey M, Halim A, Mat Saad A. Against all odds: traumatic thumb amputation following ring avulsion injury. Pediatr Traumatol Orthop Reconstr Surg. 2020;8(1):95-100. doi:10.17816/PTORS17926

  11. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Arteriogram.

  12. Johns Hopkins Medicine. Vascular studies.

  13. Galante JM. Using tourniquets to stop bleeding. JAMA. 2017;317(14):1490. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.8581

  14. C.S. Mott Children's Hospital. Emergency care for an accidental amputation.

Ring Avulsion Injuries and Injury From a Wedding Band (2)

By Jonathan Cluett, MD
Dr. Cluett is board-certified in orthopedic surgery. He served as assistant team physician to Chivas USA (Major League Soccer) and the U.S. national soccer teams.

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Ring Avulsion Injuries and Injury From a Wedding Band (2024)


How do you treat ring avulsion injuries? ›

How are ring avulsions treated? Almost all ring avulsions require surgery. Which type of operation you'll need depends on the classification of the ring avulsion and how severely damaged your finger is. If it's possible, your surgeon will reattach your finger and restore its blood flow and function.

What are the injuries to wedding rings? ›

Degloving: Perhaps the most serious injury that can result from a traditional metal wedding band is degloving, or ring avulsion. If your ring catches on an object and isn't built to break, you could end up losing your skin, tendons, and nerves, or even, your entire finger.

What are the classification of ring avulsion injuries? ›

Class I: Circulation adequate. Class II: Circulation inadequate. Class III: Complete degloving injury or complete amputation.

Can a wedding ring damage your finger? ›

Some ring avulsion injuries are not as serious, and may only cause bruising, slight swelling, and pain. Others can remove large areas of tissue and muscle, or cut off the blood supply to your finger, which can necessitate amputation.

How long do avulsion injuries take to heal? ›

Avulsion fracture foot injury
Healing:This injury normally takes 6 weeks to heal.
Walking:You may walk on the foot as comfort allows but you may find it easier to walk on your heel in the early stages. If you have been given a boot to wear, it is for your comfort only and is not needed to aid fracture healing.
5 more rows

How long do avulsion wounds take to heal? ›

Recovering from an avulsion injury can take months. You might need antibiotic treatment and/or vaccinations to prevent an infection from the wound (for example, if you were attacked by an animal).

Can a tight ring cause nerve damage? ›

Prolonged swelling may cause nerve damage, and the stuck ring may cut off your blood supply. So, it's best to get evaluated sooner than later!

How do you know if a finger injury is serious? ›

Contact your provider if:
  1. Your finger pain is caused by severe injury.
  2. Your finger is deformed.
  3. The problem continues after 1 week of home treatment.
  4. You have numbness or tingling in your fingers.
  5. You have severe pain at rest.
  6. You can't straighten your fingers.
  7. You have redness, swelling, or fever.

What is embedded ring syndrome? ›

Our term, embedded-ring "syndrome," recognizes and stresses the absolute association noted between the embedded-ring injury and the mental or cognitive impairment in all known cases. If swelling of a ringed finger is noted, especially in a mentally impaired patient, the ring should be removed immediately.

What is traumatic avulsion? ›

In medicine, an avulsion is an injury in which a body structure is torn off by either trauma or surgery (from the Latin avellere, meaning "to tear off").

What is a traumatic avulsion injury? ›

An avulsion fracture occurs when a ligament or other soft tissue attachment to bone overcomes the stress capacity of the bony attachment and tears off a portion of the bone.

How do you treat an avulsion fracture in the ring finger? ›

Generally, treatment for an avulsion fracture includes:
  1. Immobilization in a cast or splint.
  2. Anti-inflammatory medications.
  3. Restriction of activity.
  4. Icing the area.
  5. Physical therapy with exercises.
Sep 15, 2021

How common is ring avulsion? ›

Ring avulsion is reported at roughly 150,000 incidents each year. These reported incidents make up roughly five percent of emergency room visits related to arm and hand injuries each year.

What is ring tourniquet syndrome? ›

Ring tourniquet syndrome is a strangulation injury, usually at the proximal finger or toe, caused by a rigid circular metal object.

How do you treat a skin avulsion wound? ›

An avulsion is a forcible tearing off of skin or another part of the body, such as an ear or a finger. Any time layers of skin have been torn off to expose muscles, tendons and tissue, it is called an avulsion. An amputation, such as getting a limb caught in a piece of heavy machinery, is also considered an avulsion.

What is the first aid for avulsion wounds? ›

Elevate your wound: Prop your injured area on pillows to raise it above the level of your heart. This will help reduce pain and swelling. Do this for 30 minutes at a time, as often as you can. Bandage your wound: Bandages keep your wound clean, dry, and protected from infection.

What is the fastest way to heal an avulsion fracture? ›

Most avulsion fractures do not require surgery and can heal by being immobilized in a splint or Air cast for 6-12 weeks.


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