Recipe of Homemade Stuffed Green Bell Peppers (2024)

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· ☕4min read · ✍️Chase Bryant

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Hello everybody, it is Brad, welcome to my recipe page. Today, I will show you a way to make a distinctive dish, stuffed green bell peppers. One of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I will make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Stuffed Green Bell Peppers is one of the most well liked of current trending foods in the world. It’s easy, it is quick, it tastes yummy. It is enjoyed by millions every day. Stuffed Green Bell Peppers is something that I’ve loved my whole life. They’re fine and they look fantastic.

To get started with this recipe, we must prepare a few ingredients. You can cook stuffed green bell peppers using 14 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Stuffed Green Bell Peppers:
  1. Prepare 2 lb ground beef
  2. Prepare 3 large chopped zucchini
  3. Get 1 cup grated carrot
  4. Get 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper
  5. Take 1 cup finely chopped sweet yellow onion
  6. Get 4 clove garlic finely chopped or pressed
  7. Get 6 oz can of tomato sauce of any kind. I used El Pato, which is a spicier red sauce you can find in the hispanic food section of your grocery store.
  8. Make ready 1 1/2 cup Minute White rice
  9. Take 1 1/2 cup water
  10. Make ready 2 tsp tomato chicken bouillon
  11. Take 1 tbsp of tomato paste
  12. Make ready 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  13. Make ready 1 cup shredded cheese of any kind. I used monterey jack but cheddar is amazing as well
  14. Get 4 large green bell peppers cut in half and cleaned out
Steps to make Stuffed Green Bell Peppers:
  1. In a large microwavable container, add rice, warm water, bouillon, tomato paste and pepper. Make sure paste is well incorporated into the rice mixture. It helps if your water is warm, then you can dissolve your bouillon and paste before adding to rice. Once mixed, place in microwave with lid slightly covering but not closed and microwave for about 5 mins. Let rice sit for another 5 mins or until liquid is dissolved and rice is tender to fluff with a fork.
  2. Set aside rice mixture with lid on to stay warm and in a Large Pan, add about a tbs of olive oil and start cooking down onion, garlic, carrots, red bell pepper and zucchini. Cook on about Medium temperature until vegetables are tender but not over cooked. You want them to keep their shape when incorporating all ingredients. Remove from pan & set aside.
  3. In the same pan, start cooking your ground beef until well browned. Approximately 5mins. Drain all fat from beef with a spoon. Adjust your temperature to med low and add your cooked vegetables and the can of tomato sauce. Fold in all ingredients and simmer on low for about 5 mins more.
  4. Turn off stove and allow mixture to cool down. Taking your green bell peppers, cut in half so they create little cups and can stand up on their own on the pan. Remove core, stems and all seeds. Using any large baking dish, cover entire bottom in foil to eliminate messy cleanup. Place all pepper halves on bottom about 1/2 inch away from each other
  5. Preheat oven to 375°F
  6. Take beef and vegetable mixture and in a large bowl mix into rice. Fold ingredients together as to not mush up rice or break down vegetables. This is the seasoning stage. Adjust flavors to your preferences by adding more salt or herbs if you choosing. Once everything is mixed well, start filling pepper halves by pushing down rice/meat mixture until they are fully filled. You may have extra filling which is always yummy on it's own. :)
  7. Once all pepper halves are completed, pile on shredded cheese. Cover entire pan and peppers with foil trying not to touch tops of peppers. Make sure there is a slit on the top for steam. Place in oven and cook for about 30 mins. During the last 5 mins, remove foil and allow cheese to brown.
  8. I serve these on their own with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese. You can change up the recipe and add mushrooms if desired or even substitute white rice for brown. I made a low carb version without rice and used 3lbs of ground beef and a pound of lean sausage instead. The possibilities are endless. I hope you enjoy!
  9. Ready to serve and ENJOY!

So that is going to wrap this up for this special food stuffed green bell peppers recipe. Thanks so much for your time. I am sure that you will make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, friends and colleague. Thanks again for reading. Go on get cooking!

  • Recipe of Speedy Green veg and Chicken salad
Recipe of Homemade Stuffed Green Bell Peppers (2024)


Should I cook my bell peppers before stuffing them? ›

You can also pre-cook them in the oven before they're filled. Preheat your oven to the temperature recommended by the recipe, place them in the oven until they are tender, then fill and return the stuffed peppers to the oven for the remainder of the cooking time.

How do you make green bell peppers taste better? ›

Cook them: Green bell peppers can taste slightly bitter when they are raw, but cooking them can help to bring out their sweetness. Try roasting, grilling, or sautéing green bell peppers to bring out their natural sweetness.

How do you make stuffed peppers not watery? ›

If you are in a rush, you can try microwaving the peppers for about 5 minutes on a microwave-safe plate. Pro tip: if you prefer to just bake the peppers, an alternative to help release excess liquid is to pierce the bottom with a sharp knife or a fork.

Why do you boil green peppers before stuffing them? ›

ANSWER: Some recipes call for blanching the peppers to soften them slightly; others do not. Green peppers at a local store were stuffed with a raw ground meat mixture and looked as though they were not boiled or blanched. If you bake peppers this way, they will take longer to cook and will hold their shape better.

Why are my stuffed peppers bitter? ›

In addition to not getting enough water, some other possible causes of bitter peppers are: Ripening: Peppers grow sweeter as they ripen and turn from green to red, orange, yellow, or purple. For the sweetest peppers, be sure they're fully ripe before picking.

What can I add to bell peppers for flavor? ›

14 Unique Ways To Flavor Red Bell Peppers
  1. Maple syrup and cheese offer added sweetness and umami. ...
  2. Add texture with herbed breadcrumbs. ...
  3. Marinate in salad dressing. ...
  4. Layer with pesto and cheese. ...
  5. Use your favorite chicken marinade. ...
  6. Dip raw strips into spicy peanut sauce. ...
  7. Pair with tzatziki for a Greek spin.
Jun 17, 2023

What spices go well with bell peppers? ›

I love to use thyme on my sautéed bell peppers. But there are other herbs that also compliment the sweetness of them that you can use, too. Try adding basil, chives, cilantro, coriander, cumin, curry, garlic, marjoram, or rosemary to you bell peppers when cooking for more amazing flavor combinations.

Why do my stuffed peppers taste bland? ›

Peppers can be quite bland on their own so seasoning the inside of the cavity with salt is very important. Be sure to taste your stuffing prior to filling the peppers and make any adjustments there as well. Marinara. We used our simple marinara sauce for this recipe.

Why are my stuffed peppers hard? ›

If the peppers aren't tender when the cheese is melted, and the filling is hot, simply tent the pan with foil and continue baking until they are. Cut the Pepper in Half from Stem to End. When making stuffed peppers in the oven, I find splitting them from top to bottom best.

Why are my stuffed peppers mushy? ›

Roasting lightly oiled peppers at a high heat gives the outside a chance to release some moisture so they can brown a bit, and placing the cut peppers face-side down allows that moisture to drain out rather than making them sit in their own liquid and get mushy.

Why do my stuffed peppers fall apart? ›

The goal is to tenderize them before they're stuffed and baked, but generally the poor fellas are over-boiled, which results in their tendency to fall apart and, as noted, be flavorless. But peppers can have tons of flavor when given the right treatment. The trick is to roast them at high heat.

What is the proper way to eat stuffed peppers? ›

Dig in with a fork or spoon, or carefully cut the whole thing into pieces—there's no wrong way to eat a stuffed pepper. And there's something so satisfying about tearing into that edible package. These bell peppers are packed full of cheese, rice, lots of smoky spices, and veggies.

Should you cook or raw bell peppers? ›

Eating them raw provides maximum vitamin C content, but cooking bell peppers can increase the availability of other nutrients.

Do bell peppers get sweeter when cooked? ›

Peppers' flavor and texture can be altered in a variety of ways during cooking. The natural sweetness of peppers can be enhanced through cooking, which can also lessen their bitterness and soften their texture for a more tender and palatable result.

How early can you prep bell peppers? ›

Cut peppers can keep up to 7 days this way, but it's best to use them as soon as possible. Leftover cooked peppers should be stored in an airtight container and will last 3-4 days in the fridge.

Should you cook peppers before eating? ›

Yes, you can eat whole, unpeeled red or yellow bell pepper without cooking it first. However, it is important to remember that bell peppers are a cruciferous vegetable and like all cruciferous vegetables, they contain goitrogens which can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones if eaten in large quantities.


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