Planets in the 2nd House—Astrology with Heather (2024)

Outside of relationships, MONEY is the most common thing I’m asked about by my clients as a professional astrologer, and for good reason!

In our modern society, money has become fundamental to our survival.

We need it to feed and clothe ourselves, to make sure we have a roof over our heads, and to interact with and exercise control over the world around us.

In our current paradigm, money isn’t just security—money is power. Money is freedom. Money gives us the ability to manipulate our reality and create what we want to create, how we want to create it!

And in astrology, the 2nd house holds the key to all of this.

In thevideo below, we’ll to unlock the secrets to understanding the 2nd house, AND all of your planetary placements in the 2nd house, so you can better understand how to manage your wealth and manifest money.👇

But first… make sure you download my FREE Astrology 101 Quick Reference Guide so you can figure out your 2nd house planetary placements and start decoding everything in your astrological blueprint through your birth chart.

At first glance, the 2nd house is pretty straightforward. It’s the house of money and material possessions.

But, in reality, it’s much more than that. The 2nd house signifies…

  • How we earn, value and spend our money—our livelihood
  • Beliefs, expectations and ethics around money
  • Savings and long-term investment strategy
  • Major purchases and purchasing power
  • Giving and receiving gifts
  • Assets and possessions
  • Income derived from assets and possessions
  • What we claim ownership over on a physical level
  • How we engage with the material world

Using derivative houses, the 2nd house can also represent…

  • Your siblings’ enemies and tendencies toward self-sabbatoge (12th from the 3rd)
  • Your parents’ friends (11th from the 4th)
  • Your children’s career (10th from the 5th)
  • Your employee’s beliefs (9th from the 6th)
  • Your spouses’s death (8th from the 7th)
  • And so on and so forth…

In traditional astrology, the 2nd house (or “place,” to use traditional Hellenistic terminology) is considered mildly malefic and is also known as the “Gate of Hades.” This isn’t because it’s associated with death, like its counterpart in the 8th house, but because it’s the last place the Sun transits before its morning rebirth at sunrise.

While it is classified as a “bad place” due to its aversion to the ascendant, it’s typically ranked as the “least problematic” of the traditional malefic houses.

When it comes to the planetary joys, there are no traditional planets that have their “joy” in the 2nd house.

The second house is a succedent house—meaning that it’s associated with gains (material or otherwise), growth, and building things up. It’s the signification of something moving toward its peak energy or strength, which is represented by the angular houses.

Traditional Planets in the 2nd House

In addition to the general significations of the planets in the 2nd house, you’ll want to look to the houses that each of these planets rule in your personal birth chart (e.g. the planet that rules the sign that occupies the house in whole sign houses) for additional insight.

For example, if the ruler of your 7th house is located in your 2nd house, relationships and money are intimately linked in your birth chart and, therefore, your life.

You’ll learn all about how this works (and then some) when you join us in the Cosmic Academy of Astrology—all of the info can be found at THIS LINK.

Sun in the 2nd House

The sun represents the soul's expression of purpose in physical reality. It's what your soul wants, needs, and craves in order to feel lit up, successful, vital, purposeful, and just overall excited about life.

It's what your soul came here to experience in this incarnation, in this reality. It's the essence of who you are. And with the sun of the second house, one of the things that you came here to experience is the material realm in all of its glory. And so you are here to enjoy material possessions, material pleasures.

You are here to learn, to utilize money as a resource, as a tool, as something that can be fun at something that can. Aid in your creativity and self-expression in the world. Money is a big part of who you are, which is okay. In fact, it's necessary for you to feel good. It would be best if you had financial security.

You don’t necessarily need to have an extravagant lifestyle, but you must feel comfortable to be successful and satisfied with your life. Also, Sun in the Second House people love to be generous with their resources. They love to give money to charity, give money as gifts, and give gifts as gifts.

They share their wealth. They typically do well for themselves regarding finances because it is such a big focal point. Unless your sun, of course, is super afflicted in some way. But if it's not, and your sun is just an average sun, or it's very nicely elevated, maybe it's exalted in Aries, or it's in this beautiful grand shrine or something. You're here to enjoy material pleasures because you'll have an abundance of them.

And it's not because it just falls into your lap. Usually, people with the sun in the second house are smart about their resources because it is integral to who you are, what you came here to accomplish, what you came here to achieve, and what you came here to experience in this lifetime. And again, that part of that experience isn't just acquiring and amassing wealth.

People who have the sun in the second house are typically not Stingy, even if it's in Taurus, which people sometimes say can be a, you know, more stingy or hoarding sign. That's not the case with the sun in the second house. You like to give, and that's part of how you share yourself and your heart with the world.

It's beautiful to have the sun in the second house and to give to charity, to start a foundation, to do something philanthropic, to give to a cause you care about. And the sun is in the second house, people. You feel very off-kilter when they lack financial security, stability, cushion, safety net, or savings. It depletes your vitality.

Some people like to have simplicity. Some people don't need a lot and don't want a lot. And with the sun in the 2nd house, it's not necessarily that you want a lot (although you could), but you want a certain level of comfort in the material realm. And you don't feel successful when you don't have that level of experience. You can feel down, depleted, depressed, and lacking in energy. Part of what you need energetically is to have beautiful possessions, to have material comfort, to make sure that you are not just giving, giving, giving, because you are very apt to do that, but that you're saving and investing your money and have assets.

You are bringing in additional wealth and growing your wealth through strategic investments and purchases. This can involve buying things that are a little bit extravagant, depending on the sign placement and what else is going on in your second house. But usually, when you do that, you have the money to back it up; it's not coming from a place of lack or debt.

Moon in the 2nd House

The moon is our subjective sense of reality. It's our inner world. It's our emotional experience. It's what we need to feel safe, secure, and comfortable on that internal level. Financial security is one of the things you need to feel comfortable, safe, and secure emotionally and internally.

But for you, there is a deep emotional connection to your wealth, material possessions, and financial stability. When you have a lot, you feel very good. Your mood is elevated. When you are experiencing lack, it depletes you and puts you in a negative emotional state.

What you're experiencing physically is more than money coming in and money going out. It's more about your possessions, like you need certain things in your material existence to feel good, fulfilled, happy, and experience more positive emotions.

For you, money is very cyclical. The moon waxes, and the moon wanes. I've seen time and time again with clients who have the moon in the second house that their money always goes through cycles. It never entirely goes away but never fully waxes and stays there.

You'll go through cycles of abundance, cycles of less abundance, and cycles of abundance and less abundance. Many emotional ups and downs go with that, but it always comes back around full circle for you. So usually, you're not without or left entirely, just down and out unless you have something else going on in your second house or your moon is super afflicted.

If that's the case, you might be more in that waning cycle more often than not, or you might have insecure emotional attachments to resources that cause you to make bad decisions. This is also an energy, by the way, where investing and spending come to you intuitively. You pay based on how you feel.

You must be very aware of that because sometimes it's intuition; you know that this is the right thing to purchase, the right place to put your money, the right way to save, etc., etc., and that this is the right venture to pursue to acquire more resources.

But your emotional state also dictates what you do with your money because these things are tied together. So, if you're in a negative emotional state, do not make any money decisions. I mean, I think that's good advice for anyone. Still, for you in particular, you are very likely to make a wrong decision because you are in a negative emotional state or the wrong decision, or maybe not the best decision.

Because you're going through that emotional cycle, you might be overly optimistic if you're in a highly elevated emotional state. You might overstand, overindulge, or choose the wrong thing because you're feeling pleased and excited.

That's another thing to be aware of. So when it comes to major purchases, significant investments, and central decision-making that will impact your resources, people with Moon in the Second House need to go through the entire cycle of the human emotional experience before they pull the trigger.

That could mean something like spending a week thinking about it, but you should go through a whole lunar cycle because the moon and its phases will change and shift how you perceive this purchase, this investment, this big thing. And if it is a significant purchase like buying a new car or a boat, you're investing tens of thousands of dollars in something; then you'll probably want to do that whole month-long cycle if you can.

The other thing that can benefit the moon and the second-house people is lunar investments, so investing your money in things like housing, real estate, land, property, and everything else. This is also an excellent energy for giving and giving to your family within reason. You want to avoid lending money to your family.

When people need it, being able to help support your family would feel really good to you. Being able to provide support to families or mothers in need, being able to provide food to people who need it, because that's that lunar energy.

The moon is very deeply connected to food, and there are great ways to give back. So maybe donating to a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen, a food pantry, or something along those lines could be right up your alley. There's this nurturing energy of the moon. Money is nurturing. Money is support.

Money is a good emotional experience. Again, unless your moon is super wonky or if you're in that waning phase, money becomes scary and difficult for you. Just know that if you're in that phase, it comes back around for you because that moon moves in cycles.

Mercury in the 2nd House

Mercury in your second house is an exciting energy. You can earn a lot of money through your mental activity, communication, commerce and trade, which are all mercurial things. Mercury doesn't rule money. And possessions like actual physical money and possessions, but it rules the trade, the movement, the exchange of money.

Getting into industries where your money is moving around, where you're trading, where you're exchanging in some way, getting into the stock market, doing something where you have to use your mind and your brilliance to create and generate resources, earning money through teaching, writing, communicating, blogging, and all of these different things can be excellent for Mercury in the Second House people.

You approach your finances logically, in a linear, organized fashion, because your brain is very much involved. However, there can be a tendency, especially with specific Mercury placements, to overthink your money, finances, and purchases, where you have to contemplate them.

You have to make lists of pros and cons and this and that before you spend even a few dollars. For some of you, it might not be that crazy, and it might just be that when you have a significant purchase, you have to fake your money. Think about it, ask someone, talk it through, make a list, create a pros and cons list, and then research.

Everything you do with your money is usually very well-researched, but that serves you. That's what you need to feel comfortable with your investments, your financial strategy, and your decision-making. It is also tremendous energy for you to be somebody who helps others work through their economic strategy and decision-making because it would make you very good at those things.

You'll find that people with Mercury in the Second House excel in careers where they can advise people on their finances. Even if you’re not in a job where you advise people on their finances, you’ll be advising people on their finances, just on the fly in your social circle. Mercury in the second house, people are brilliant when it comes to their resources, but they can tend to overthink.

They can tend to worry about their money and ruminate about it. It can become a source of stress if you allow it to become a source of stress. And so there's a fine line for mercury in the second house between being very well-researched and rational, thinking things through regarding money, and just driving yourself crazy and letting your brain run wild. And so only you can know where that line is. And I'm sure you know exactly where you are on that spectrum as I'm describing this. And so there's a need to come back into balance in one form or another if you've gone too far on overthinking.

Venus in the 2nd House

Venus is a benefic energy, and Venus is in the second house. It's considered to be a positive thing for the most part. Okay, Venus in the Second House, people tend to appreciate material possessions with a lot of beauty, aesthetic value, and positive sensory experiences.

They like luxurious things; they like things that feel good, taste good, smell good, and look good. They want it to have All of that. And so you are somebody who can overspend on luxury items and pampering and things that feel good. However, Venusian energy is more potent because Venus is a benefic energy, especially if you're born at night.

You probably have the money to spend. Money is a source of comfort for you. Money is a source of pleasure. Money is a source of relaxation, joy, and fun for people with Venus in the second house. You love, love, love you—your things. And you love to have a lot of beautiful things that are of excellent quality.

This is an excellent energy for investing in things like art and partnerships with other people. It's also a good synergistic energy for dealing with money overall in relationships. It's a coming together, a merging of worlds. People at Venus in the Second House also tend to be very generous.

One of your love languages, probably THE love language for you, is gifts. It's showing your appreciation by giving something, making something, and sharing something with somebody else, very material and physical. You love, love, love to receive beautiful, luxurious, wonderful gifts in return. And so that's something that you need to communicate to your partner and that you need to understand.

Also, your partner needs to understand you, right? Maybe your partner is uncomfortable with getting all these lavish gifts. So that's something you might need to talk about, which might even be a source of stress. But for the most part, it's a beautiful thing. This can be an energy of overspending on things that are not necessarily practical.

So it's kind of overspending on things that look good and feel good, like beautiful artwork and stunning tapestries and furniture, and all these things that are nice. And that has that material value. But they're not necessarily pragmatic with Venus in the second house.

And so that would be kind of the downfall where you could overspend and overextend yourself due to that placement.

Mars in the 2nd House

Mars is traditionally considered a malefic planet, especially if you are born during the day. Mars in the second house will be a challenging energy for your finances. It can shut you down, cause you to have to say no to things, and close off opportunities for you financially.

But with Mars in the second house, you make rapid, rash decisions about your finances. You can be very impulsive with your spending and impulsive with your investing. There's just like a gut feeling when it comes to financial decision-making.

And that can be wonderful if that is a natural gut feeling, not just impulsivity. And so where you fall on that spectrum will depend on the condition of your Mars. Like I said before, people burn and are born during the day. Okay. We will have a more difficult time with Mars in the second house.

People with Mars in its detriment and fall position, like people with Mars in cancer, for example, at its fall, might have a more challenging time making the right decisions with their resources. People with Mars afflicted in squares and difficult aspects with other planets might have a more challenging time than someone who has Mars in Scorpio, where it's in a grand shrine and it's in the second house.

You might have an easy time with it. It's like, “I just know this is right, and I'm going to do it.” People who have Mars in the second house value the power and the ability to become independent and do things that money provides for them. So cash for you equates to independence and the ability to take action and do what you want to do when you want to. Money is essential to you in that way.

Money is a source of motivation and inspiration for you. It's where a lot of your ambitions lie. That being said, Mars is the energy of conflict, disagreement, battles, and separation, and there can be a lot of conflict in your life around resources.

So there's good here, but there's also some negative. With Mars in the second house, you're more likely to get into financial disputes than other people. Lawsuits, disagreements, and arguments about money can become commonplace, especially if your Mars is afflicted. And so this is an area where you're going to need to invest in conflict resolution skills, where you're going to need to invest in mediation, where you can't just do what you want to do when you want to do it, how you want to do it all the time, especially when other people are involved.

You will learn that through your experience working with Mars in the second house throughout your lifetime.

Jupiter in the 2nd House

This is considered to be an auspicious, very positive placement. However, many people who have Jupiter in the second house wonder, “Well, if Jupiter is in my second house, and Jupiter is supposed to be the great benefic, and it's supposed to be lucky, why is money not falling from the sky?”

Usually, it works differently. With Jupiter in the second house, what it does the bare minimum is it protects you against the worst-case scenario. It protects you against the worst types of negativity regarding finances. Typically, with Jupiter in the second house, you'll never be entirely without.

The way Jupiter operates in your second house will run on a spectrum. It depends on whether you're born during the day, which makes Jupiter much more positive, or at night, which weakens it slightly. Is Jupiter in its home? Is it in its exaltation?

Is it in its fall detriments? What aspects is Jupiter making to other planets in the birth chart? What does the whole picture look like? For most people, you won't have just an overwhelmingly positive, only good Jupiter. There will be something going on somewhere in the middle there, but it's always a beneficial energy, and it always is a protective energy.

While you might not have piles of money falling into your lap from the sky, Which is a very Jupiter thing to expect in the second house, too, because Jupiter makes you lazy, and because Jupiter brings ease, it makes it so you'll not be without. Money flows into your life much more quickly than you probably even realize compared to other people.

If you need it, it's there. And when you're entirely out of resources, it'll show up through opportunities, unexpected means, and something coming in and gracing you with the extra resources you need. Jupiter in the second house in its highest and best expression can be wealth.

It can be an expansion of your resources. It can mean that you own a lot, that you possess a lot, that you have a lot, but also that you give a lot. It's another generous energy. With Jupiter in the second house, as I mentioned before, it can make you a little bit lazy, so you need to recognize the opportunities that Jupiter brings in your second house for what they are. You're not doing something with that energy, with that opportunity that comes up.

Let's say somebody says, “Hey, I have this great opportunity to get in on the ground floor of this wonderful investment of this wonderful thing that I am doing. And I would love to partner with you,” and you say “no” to that. Then, that opportunity goes away, and that person and whatever their thing was that they created that you could invest in starts taking off. That's a missed opportunity. You had the opportunity nobody else had but didn't take advantage of it. That's how Jupiter in the second house can work for many people when Jupiter's it.

In its detriment, especially when Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo, and when Jupiter is in the sign of Gemini, you'll often see these missed opportunities because Jupiter provides them. Still, it needs support through the sign placement to seize the day and take advantage of the opportunity.

And so you'll see that very commonly with that. But if you see it for what it is and learn to take advantage of the opportunities, you can become very wealthy with Jupiter in the second house. I've seen that happen repeatedly. The other thing with Jupiter in the second house is it expands on everything in the second house.

While it can bring money and usually protects you against being completely without, it can also bring laziness because you're used to just having what you need. You might just always have what you need and nothing more because you're not taking advantage of those opportunities because there's no motivation.

There's no stress. There's no strain to force your hand to cause you to have to act there. With Jupiter in the second house, it can also be overspending and overextending your resources. So Jupiter is this energy of how you value money, what you believe about money and how you utilize your cash.

And so you might have a very optimistic, very free attitude about your money. And that can be beautiful. It would be fantastic if you could afford it. But I have seen Jupiter in the second house people overextend, and they have all of these things but no money in the bank.

They love to spend money on education, and they love to spend money on extravagant things sometimes, especially with specific Jupiter placements, like Jupiter and Leo, which are classic for this. So, if you're a Cancer Rising, you might overspend on these extravagant things sometimes. But there also needs to be money in your bank account.

This is a placement where you have to learn not just to be optimistic because you know the money will come back and it'll always be there, but also to acquire and develop some discernment and some realism when it comes to your resources so that way you have money in the background.

You have money that's working for you. You have money that you're investing. You have money that you're saving. You're doing something with some of your resources, at least. It's not all just fun and games. You don't have to, especially with Jupiter in the second house. You probably don't have to, but you should.

And that's the energy of Jupiter in the second house.

Saturn in the 2nd House

Now, this is my natal placement, and I can tell you that it is not the easiest, but it's not the worst thing in the entire universe. And so, like the other maleic and benefic energies, Saturn will run on a spectrum.

If you're born during the day, Saturn's not. You are in the second house, as it will be if you're born at night. If Saturn's in its fall or detriment, that will make it more difficult than Saturn being in its home or its exaltation. Saturn, being in the charming aspect of other planets, can help you.

On the other hand, being under challenging placements, Saturn can hurt you. And so Saturn, in general, is this energy instilled in you from childhood, showing you that you must work hard for your money. There is a belief that money is hard-earned and hard to earn. There's a belief in lack.

There's a belief in restriction. There's not enough money to go around. This is very much the opposite of the Jupiter mindset, where there will always be more money, which is often the case for them. With Saturn, money seems to be this finite resource, even though I mean it is limitless.

Your only limits are the limits you impose on yourself, your earnings and what you can do. But people with this placement grow up with the mindset that even if they have a lot of money if their family is very wealthy, that money is hard-earned. That money is a finite resource. That money needs to be managed, restricted, and worried about.

There can be a lot of Okay. So, many people have a lot of fear and anxiety around money and resources, especially early on in life. But this changes with age. People with Saturn in the second house often have to learn very early on how to be responsible with managing their own money and resources.

It could be because maybe their family wasn't so responsible, and they had to learn to do it differently, or because they had to support themselves early on because their family didn't have much. And so they had to learn how to earn, save, invest, and manage. Whatever it is for you, this pays off in the long term.

What you'll commonly see with people who have Saturn in the second house is that they don't necessarily have a lot early on. Sometimes they do. There are other placements and things we have to look at here, but they usually retire a lot earlier with good resources because they're very good at saving.

They're very good at budgeting, planning for the future, and living with less. They're very frugal, so they're good savers. They're good at maintaining the resources that they require, hoarding them, and stowing them away for the future. They're less generous than some of the other placements.

And that's where Saturn in the second house needs to live it up and lighten up a little bit. You need to learn to have fun with money. Money can't just be this scary, restrictive thing, or that's the energy you're putting behind it, and it's not going to flow into your life.

Through hard work and repetition, you have to learn that money can be fun. Money can be enjoyable. Money is there to be utilized. It can flow out and flow back in. This is also where you must actively learn to be generous with your resources and give to other people and charities.

Giving to others is not going to make you go broke. And so I personally exercise this in my everyday life whenever I can because it just helps you to open things up and feel really good about what you're doing with your money, to have money be the source of happiness, not just for you but for other people around you.

And so that's one of the best ways to work with that energy, in my opinion. But there is an energy of restriction. Like, there's never going to be this place where you feel like money's just going to come in on its own, and you don't have to work for it because you probably do have to work for it with Saturn in the second house.

It's a belief instilled in you through your early experience but also a reality. Where people who have sat in the second house work hard for their resources. Again, later in life, that will pay off in retirement. You'll have a lifestyle and a certain sense of security that other people just won't have.

And I've seen that with a lot of my older clients. And so it's a blessing and a curse. Money's never going to feel fun to you. There's always going to be a little bit of fear there. There will always be this energy of hard work, but it will pay off, and you can learn to work with it instead of struggling against it.

Planets in the 2nd House—Astrology with Heather (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.