Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (2024)

Published: FFXIV - Final Fantasy 14, FFXIV Hunting Logs

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (1)

Post Sections

  • When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 3?
  • Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Targets
    • Stoneshell
    • Smallmouth Orobon
    • Yarzon Scavenger
    • Redbelly Lookout
    • Antelope Stag
    • Moondrip Piledriver
    • Sabotender
    • Goblin Thug
    • Sandskin Peiste
    • Corpse Brigade Firedancer
    • Apkallu
    • Coeurlclaw Poacher
    • Midland Condor
  • Total EXP Available
  • When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 4?

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Welcome to my FFXIV Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide. This one takes you from Level 20 to 30, if you’re clearing the logs while on-level anyway. Aside from dungeons, the Hunting Log is still one of the best ways of levelling early on. If you cleared Rank 2 with my guide, you’ll be pleased to know that we venture into a much wider area this time around! About half of your Rank 3 targets are in the Black Shroud, but it means the rest…aren’t. Hurrah! Let’s get started.

When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 3?


  1. You have cleared Lancer Log Rank 2, and
  2. You are at least Level 20 as a Lancer.

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Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Targets

Reward: Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (2) 20,000

So where is Rank 3 taking you this time? Let’s explore and find out.

Lancer 21

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (3) 6,300


Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (4)

I bet you can't work out what these creatures' primary defence is, can you?! Thankfully, even if someone else is clearing their Hunting Log Rank 3 at the same time as you, there are loads of Stoneshells for you here.This crab is kind of like a distant relative of Thanalan's Thickshell. I was going to link the related FFXIV hunting logs, but it's all three from Thanalan, so I won't!


These crabs are in the Oakwood part of Upper La Noscea. It is quicker and easier to reach this by taking the road North from Western La Noscea.If you do teleport to Camp Bronze Lake and don't have flying yet, head to the boat ferry.


Upper La Noscea: Oakwood

Nearest Aetheryte

Upper La Noscea: Camp Bronze Lake (Fly or take the boat to Oakwood) and Western La Noscea: Aleport


Around X:13.2, Y:24.4

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Lancer 22

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (6) 6,500

Smallmouth Orobon

Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (7)

Seriously, the maw on the Smallmouth Orobon looks as huge and ugly as the Bigmouth Orobon! Comparisons aside these fish-like critters flop around in the shallow river near Buscarron's Druthers. And, as you can see, sometimes shuffle onto the ground too.They are found along most of that river, so you're not spoilt for choice as to which ugly fishies you want to squish.


South Shroud: Upper Paths

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:17, Y:19

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Smallmouth Orobon

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Lancer 23

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (9) 6,700

Yarzon Scavenger

Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (10)

The Yarzon Scavenger is described in the Hunting Log as being in the Footfalls. The problem is that's a huge area. To find this particular breed of six-legged freaks, head North past Vesper Bay. Continue North until you come to the murky area and the Yarzons are right there as you emerge from the tunnel.If Laughing Toads are on one of your hunting logs at rank 3, then these are in the same area, just further in.


Western Thanalan: the Footfalls (Parata's Peace)

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon


Around X14.6, Y:8.3

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Yarzon Scavenger

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Lancer 24

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (12) 6,900

Redbelly Lookout

Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (13)0

Along with Redbelly Sharpeyes and others, the Redbelly Lookout may surprise you as he is not an Archer. Other enemy groups have bow-wielders as snipers. The Lookout here, however, is a Gladiator, fiercely wielding an oversized kitchen knife and a chopping board as a shield.You can also find them outside the sneakily-named Redbelly Hive, just North/North-West of Quarrymill. And there are enough Lookouts even when the FATEs are not on.


South Shroud: Silent Arbor

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:23.5, Y:19.0

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Redbelly Lookout

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Lancer 25

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (15) 7,100

Antelope Stag

Number Required: 3

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (16)0

In one sense, it's a real shame to have to hunt a creature like the Antelope Stag. It's elegant and gentle to look at - a really beautiful FFXIV creature.

But on the other hand, people need to safely traverse the Black Shroud, their horns make good crafting materials and maybe their meat is delicious? Elegant, gentle and tasty? Sorry if you're a vegetarian. I am...not!

Yes, But Where are Antelope Stags?

Sorry, you can find these slightly zebra-striped Antelopes in the South Shroud, North-East of Quarrymill.


South Shroud: Silent Arbor

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:26.5, Y:18.0

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Antelope Stag

Moondrip Piledriver

Number Required: 3

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (18)

Okay, I have to ask: what the heck is a Moondrip Piledriver anyway? It looks like a combination of a giant and an ogre, the result of some hideous experiment! Thankfully, for you, the "moondrip" part simply relates to the cave in the very North-East of Western Thanalan. This makes them easy to find.The Piledrivers are your counterparts, Lancer. So it's time to show them who's the true master of the spear. Hopefully, that's you, Warrior of Light?


Western Thanalan: Moondrip

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon


Around X:18.0, Y:6.5

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Moondrip Piledriver

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Lancer 26

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (20) 7,600


Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (21)

These walking Cacti roam around Little Ala Mhigo in Southern Thanalan. Do look for the little hunting log symbol over their "heads" though. This is because not all Sabotenders bear the name without some other word attached! Have fun having loads of needles flung in your direction. You'd better put those combat skills to use with some interrupts! These can be found South of Little Ala Mhigo towards "Burnt Lizard Creek". Lovely.


Southern Thanalan: Broken Water

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo


Around X:17.1, Y:15.5

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Lancer 27

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (23) 8,600

Goblin Thug

Number Required: 3

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (24)

No trading tongueflaps for jingly-shine when gobbieflock swift-takes jinglyshine from goodly uplander by pointy-stabby things.

Goblin Thug Location

While they may be experienced in thuggery, these Goblin Thugs do give themselves away when it comes to their location. Goblinsmeet. It's even labelled on the map East of Quarrymill!/facepalm.


South Shroud: Silent Arbor, Goblins Meet

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:28.0, Y:21.0

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Goblin Thug

Sandskin Peiste

Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (26)

Until I went in search of a Sandskin Peiste or five, I had not realised quite how large an area they lived in. These tall, scaley lizards can be found North-West, North and North East of Little Ala Mhigo. The bonus is, if someone else is also attacking them for their own hunting log, you can just calmly go someplace else. You're not the only adventurer after all.

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (27) Peistes in FATEs

DownwindLancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (28)


Southern Thanalan: Broken Water

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo


Around X:16.5, Y:13.0

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Sandskin Peiste

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Lancer 28

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (30) 9,400

Corpse Brigade Firedancer

Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (31)

The Corpse Brigade Firedancer is a robed Thaumaturge who fights along with Corpse Brigade Knuckledancers in and around The SepulchreLancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (32) in the northern part of Southern Thanalan.You can also find them when the Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (33) Adventures in Throat SlittingLancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (34) fate is on. But, unless others are fighting their way to the Sepulchre, you can find four Firedancers outside. Therefore, you can choose whether or not to use the FATE for your Hunting Log.


Southern Thanalan: Broken Water

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo


Around X:24, Y:9

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Corpse Brigade Firedancer

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Lancer 29

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (36) 9,700


Number Required: 3

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (37)

Apkallu are cute birds that provide eggs and down for crafting and spit fish to interrupt you. Not that you have many interruptable ski

Apkallu Location

You can find them on - and near - the road from Eastern to Lower La Noscea. However, there is also a convenient rock that a few always gather on. That makes it easy to clear this stage of the Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3. The rock's coordinates are below.


Eastern La Noscea: Bloodshore

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern La Noscea: Costa del Sol


Around X:29.1, Y:35.8

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Coeurlclaw Poacher

Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (39)

Based in and around Takers' Rot in the South Shroud, the Coeurlclaw Poacher is part of a Miqo'te gang in the Twelveswood. Other sisters, such as Coeurlclaw Cutters can be found nearby too. The Poacher is a lancer like you, which is where your similarities end - unless you're a Miqo'te of course.

Coeurlclaw Poacher Location

Taker's Rot is far East from Quarrymill (around X:30, Y:20) and Poachers can be found on the approach to it as well as inside.

An alternative location is X:15.5, Y:33, near the entrance to Eastern Thanalan. The location is marked as the South Shroud Landing.


South Shroud: Silent Arbor (Takers Rot)

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:30.0, Y:21.0

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Coeurlclaw Poacher

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Lancer 30

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (41) 10,000

Midland Condor

Number Required: 4

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (42)

The coordinates below point to a "cluster" of two or three. But you can find Midland Condors as soon as you reach the Lower Paths from the Upper Paths. This is yet another annoying, squawky variety of bird like the Sylphlands Condor or Highland Condor.Thankfully, as a Lancer, you can try to keep them a spear's length away and dispatch a few of the pests.


South Shroud: Lower Paths

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Camp Tranquil


Around X:16.5, Y:27

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Midland Condor

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Total EXP Available

  • Total EXP for All Levels: Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (44) 78,800
  • EXP Clearing Rank 3: Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (45) 20,000
  • TOTAL: Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (46) 98,800

Note, this excludes any EXP gained for defeating the individual enemies.

When Can I Start Hunting Log Rank 4?


  1. You have cleared Rank 3, and
  2. You are at least Level 30 as a Lancer.

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TL;DR Venture Deeper into Eorzea with the FFXIV Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3

From weird Orobons and bizarre Moondrip Piledrivers, from semi-sentient cacti to Elezen criminals, Rank 3 is quite varied! From Level 30, you can begin the journey to being a Dragoon also. This means you can smash FFXIV hunting log targets with more power and style going forwards. I hope you’ll join me for Rank 4, which is coming soon. Until then, have fun in Eorzea, Warriors of Light.

← FFXIV Lancer Hunting Log Rank 2

About the Author

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (47)

Fibro Jedi

Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (48)Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (50)

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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Lancer Hunting Log Rank 3 Guide | FFXIV (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.