Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (2024)

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Make this quick and easy spiced pumpkin butter to spoon over scones, pancakes, oatmeal and more. A delicious fall treat made with only 7 simple ingredients in about 20 minutes. Yay for pumpkin season!

Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (1)

Are you enjoying fall so far? We’ve been busy with yard work, home projects, plus a little time for relaxing. And, because it’s pumpkin season, I’ve also been whipping up some fall goodies. Doesn’t this spiced pumpkin butter look scrumptious?!

Have you ever tried pumpkin butter? It’s similar in taste to pumpkin pie filling, only stronger in flavour with a smooth, buttery texture. Of course, you can’t go wrong with warm notes of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and more combined with pumpkin this time of year. It’s basically fall wrapped up in a jar.

Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (2)

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What Can I do With Pumpkin Butter?

If you’ve never tried this fall treat, you may be asking how to use it. I love a spoonful or two slathered over buttered toast, a scone, pancake, or slice of pumpkin bread. I even enjoy it stirred in my morning oatmeal or swirled in a bowl of vanilla ice cream or yogurt. Sometimes I add it to my smoothie.

Whip up a jar to make creamy pumpkin spiced lattes at home. There are so many yummy ideas and recipes using pumpkin butter!

Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (3)

As an option, you can buy pumpkin butter this time of year at many specialty stores. This spiced pumpkin butter is a good store-bought option, and we’ve also tried this maple option. Of course, it’s much more cost effective to make your own.

Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (4)

From start to finish, it takes very little time. I even suggest doubling the batch to hand out as gifts for the upcoming holiday season or just because. Spread it around (wink, wink)!

Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (5)


  • canned pumpkin puree
  • brown sugar
  • maple syrup
  • orange juice
  • vanilla
  • pumpkin pie spice
  • sea salt

The full list of ingredient measurements and instructions are in the printable recipe card at the bottom of the post.

Pumpkin Butter Instructions

Add all ingredients to saucepan (pumpkin puree, brown sugar, maple syrup, orange juice, vanilla, pumpkin pie spice and sea salt) and bring to gentle boil over medium heat.

To reduce, turn to medium-low, cook for about 20 minutes, stirring often. You’ll know it’s done when the pumpkin gets richer in colour, thickens slightly, glides cleanly off a spoon, but is still spreadable.

Cool in saucepan, then transfer to jars.

Best Pumpkin Butter Recipe Tips

  • Be sure to use canned pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie filling.
  • Can I just use brown sugar instead of the maple syrup? Yes! Substitute for the same amount if you’re not a fan of maple.
  • Can I use any pumpkin pie spice? Absolutely! Use your favourite mixture, as each is a little different.
  • Double or triple the recipe to make a larger batch.
  • Store jars in refrigerator up to 2 weeks or freezer up to 3 months.
Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (6)

Pin this easy pumpkin butter recipe for later!

Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (7)

More Pumpkin Spice Treats

  • Gluten Free Pumpkin Waffles
  • Pumpkin Cake
  • Pumpkin Muffins
  • Mini Pumpkin Cupcakes
  • Pumpkin Pie Steamer

Easy Pumpkin Butter

Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (8)

Make this quick and easy spiced pumpkin butter to spoon over scones, pancakes, oatmeal and more. A delicious fall treat made with only 7 simple ingredients in about 20 minutes

Prep Time 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time 20 minutes minutes

Total Time 25 minutes minutes

Serving Size 2 jars


  • 2 cups canned pumpkin puree
  • ½ cup brown sugar, lightly packed
  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
  • teaspoon sea salt


  • Add all ingredients to saucepan (pumpkin puree, brown sugar, maple syrup, orange juice, vanilla, pumpkin pie spice and sea salt) and bring to gentle boil over medium heat.

  • Turn to medium-low, cook for about 20 minutes, stirring often. You'll know it's done when the pumpkin gets richer in colour, thickens slightly, glides cleanly off a spoon, but is still spreadable.

  • Cool in saucepan, then transfer to jars.


  • Be sure to use canned pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie filling.
  • Store jars in refrigerator up to 2 weeks or freezer up to 3 months.

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Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (9)

This fall pumpkin recipe was originally published September 2020 and updated with new details October 2021.

Easy Pumpkin Butter (Quick, No-Fail Recipe) (2024)


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