{Cajeta Recipe} How to Make Goat Milk Caramel Sauce! (2024)

by Sarah Toney | Recipes | 5 comments

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In this article: Learn how to make goat milk caramel sauce with this easy cajeta recipe!

Do you have extra milk hanging around the house? Why not try making this delicious goat milk caramel sauce called cajeta?

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Cajeta is a traditional Mexican sauce made with goat milk. It is very similar to dulce de leche, which is traditionally made with cow’s milk. This cajeta recipe takes all day to cook down, but it is so, so good!

{Cajeta Recipe} How to Make Goat Milk Caramel Sauce! (1)

Make a Delicious Goat Milk Caramel Sauce with this Cajeta Recipe!

To make this cajeta recipe you will need the following:

1/2 gallon goat milk
2 cups sugar
Seeds of 1 vanilla bean
dash of cinnamon/ 1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp baking soda dissolved in 1 T water

You can make this on the stove top (quicker, but more hands-on) or in the crock pot (much longer, but does not require constant attention).

{Cajeta Recipe} How to Make Goat Milk Caramel Sauce! (2)

Crockpot Cajeta Recipe Directions:

Place the milk, vanilla, cinnamon and sugar in the crock pot and turn on to high. Stir every so often until the milk is hot and sugar is dissolved. Stir in the baking soda water.

Continue cooking on high stirring every so often. I just stirred as I came into the kitchen, maybe once an hour or so. Keep the lid off since the goal is for the milk to reduce and caramelize.

It took about 12 hours to thicken up to the consistency I wanted (like a sauce/topping) if you want it thicker just cook a little longer.

If you like this recipe, check out it and 24 other fabulous goat milk recipes in my Goat Milk Recipe e-Book! With recipes for cheeses, yogurt, kefir and treats like ice cream and fudge!

{Cajeta Recipe} How to Make Goat Milk Caramel Sauce! (3)

Stovetop Cajeta Directions:

Place the milk, vanilla, cinnamon and sugar in a large pot. Heat over medium heat, stirring frequently to prevent a skin from forming on top.

Once the mixture begins to boil stir in the baking soda water. Remove from heat and stir until it no longer threatens to bubble over the top of the pot.

Return to heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture begins to thicken and turn golden. This should take about 1- 1 1/2 hours.

At this point start stirring more frequently so the bottom doesn’t stick or burn. Remove from heat when it has reached your desired consistency.

Remember it will also thicken up as it cools. Pour into a jar and keep in the refrigerator for up to a month. Makes a great apple dip or ice cream topping- here’s my favorite homemade soft serve recipe which is goes great with this cajeta recipe!

Related Goat Milk Recipes:

How to Make Goat Milk Mozzarella- Successfully!

How to Make Goat Milk Yogurt (with 3 incubation options!)

{Cajeta Recipe} How to Make Goat Milk Caramel Sauce! (4)

Cajeta- Goat Milk Caramel Sauce

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 2 hours

Total Time: 2 hours 5 minutes

A sweet, caramel sauce made from goat milk- similar to dulce de leche


  • 1/2 gallon goat milk
  • 2 cups sugar
  • Seeds of 1 vanilla bean
  • dash of cinnamon/ 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tsp baking soda dissolved in 1 T water


Crockpot Cajeta Directions:

  1. Place the milk, vanilla, cinnamon and sugar in the crock pot and turn on to high. Stir every so often until the milk is hot and sugar is dissolved. Stir in the baking soda water.
  2. Continue cooking on high stirring occasionally. Keep the lid off so the milk can reduce and caramelize.
  3. Cook until thick and at the desired consistency (up to 12 hours)

Cajeta Stovetop Directions:

  1. Place the milk, vanilla, cinnamon and sugar in a large pot. Heat over medium heat, stirring frequently to prevent a skin from forming on top.
  2. Once the mixture begins to boil stir in the baking soda water. Remove from heat and stir until it no longer threatens to bubble over the top of the pot.
  3. Return to heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture begins to thicken and turn golden. This should take about 1- 1 1/2 hours.
  4. At this point start stirring more frequently so the bottom doesn’t stick or burn. Remove from heat when it has reached your desired consistency.
  1. Alannaon March 8, 2018 at 4:00 pm

    Hope much caramel sauce does this recipe yield?


    • Alannaon March 9, 2018 at 4:58 pm



  2. Leslie Holdenon July 9, 2018 at 10:42 pm

    Mine keeps forming a skin that later develops into a strange texture! What am I doing wrong?!


    • KimQon September 30, 2021 at 5:21 pm

      I would say, like with pudding, when you take it off the heat lay a piece of saran wrap touching it, over it. When it is all cooled and you pull it off, any skin will come away with it.


  3. Dessire FOWLERon April 17, 2021 at 10:06 am

    How would you be about canning this?


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{Cajeta Recipe} How to Make Goat Milk Caramel Sauce! (2024)


What's the difference between cajeta and caramel? ›

The difference between cajeta and other caramel sauces such as caramel and dulce de leche is that cajeta is made out of goat's milk whereas most others are usually made out of cow's milk.

Why is my cajeta not thickening? ›

If it's too thin, continue simmering; if it's too thick, stir in a little water. (The slower this final simmering goes, the darker the cajeta.) Strain into a storage container. Once cool, store tightly covered in the refrigerator for a month or more.

Is cajeta made from goat milk? ›

Just like dulce de leche, cajeta is a thick, sweet confection made from boiled milk—goat's milk in the case of cajeta, and cow's milk in the case of dulce. And, just like its cousin, cajeta is almost universally described as "Mexican caramel." On the surface, that makes sense.

What does baking soda do in cajeta? ›

For best results, simmer; if it starts to boil, simply lower the temperature, stirring every few minutes, and it should be fine. The baking soda neutralizes the milk's pH levels and makes cajeta smooth. It also assists with the Maillard reaction, the browning of amino acids with sugars to create caramel.

What are the three types of caramel? ›

Caramel can be produced in so many forms such as, sauce, a chewy candy, or a hard candy because of how much of an ingredient is added and the temperature it is being prepared at.

Is cajeta better than caramel? ›

Though they are both pretty delicious, and pair well with plenty of desserts, there are some important distinctions between the two. Cajeta requires the use of two ingredients not found in caramel sauces — goat's milk and baking soda — as well as a different, cooler cooking temperature.

What thickens homemade caramel? ›

To thicken a caramel sauce, use one tablespoon of cornstarch or tapioca starch (sometimes known as tapioca flour) and one tablespoon of water per cup of caramel. Then simmer the caramel, stirring it constantly with a wooden spoon until it becomes thick.

How do you get caramel to harden? ›

As it cools, it will thicken. You will need to store the caramel sauce in the refrigerator, so it will firm up even more once chilled. Just bring it back to room temperature and microwave before drizzling or dipping!

Do you refrigerate cajeta? ›

Once the sauce is properly canned, it will keep in a cool, dry place for about months. Once it's opened it should be refrigerated and will keep for up to a month.

Does cajeta need to be refrigerated? ›

No it doesn't need to be refrigerated, You Can ...but if you do,it will harden and won't c… BlueBell Enterprises. Q: I have never seen Cajeta Quemada?? What is the difference?

What happens when you add baking powder to caramel? ›

The purpose of baking soda in the caramel is to react with the acidic ingredients (brown sugar, cream of tartar, and corn syrup), which creates tiny carbon dioxide air bubbles. You'll notice the caramel froths up when you add it.

What can I substitute for cajeta? ›

Cajeta is a thick, sweet caramel spread made from caramelized sugar and goat's milk. Cajeta is available at well-stocked grocery stores and at Mexican markets. If unable to locate cajeta, substitute 3/4 cup dulce de leche spread from a 13.4-oz can.

Is cajeta a caramel? ›

Cajeta is a beloved traditional Mexican sweet that deserves to be on more supermarket shelves across the entire United States. Essentially, it's a caramel sauce made from sweetened goat's milk that has been cooked down until thick, gooey, darkened, and delicious.

What does cajeta taste like? ›

As you might expect, cajeta has a deep caramelized sweetness and a clear dairy flavor. From the goat's milk, it has a very slight tang and a hint of grassy/earthiness. While this might sound like a strange way to describe a caramel, please don't be put off by it!

What is the difference between Mexican caramel and regular caramel? ›

Cajeta, on the other hand, has its roots in Mexico and is based on goat's milk. While standard caramel sauces are sugar-based (often times high fructose corn syrup) with very little dairy, cajeta is primarily a dairy based product.

What is a substitute for cajeta? ›

Cajeta is a thick, sweet caramel spread made from caramelized sugar and goat's milk. Cajeta is available at well-stocked grocery stores and at Mexican markets. If unable to locate cajeta, substitute 3/4 cup dulce de leche spread from a 13.4-oz can.


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