Are Christians Legally Required to Bake Gay Wedding Cakes? - What Would You Say (2024)

You’re in a conversation about marriage and religious freedom and someone says, “Discrimination is illegal. It doesn’t matter if you oppose same-sex marriage, you have to bake the cake.”

What would you say?

Even before the Supreme Court redefined marriage, some states and cities passed laws making sexual orientation a protected class. Today, some believe these laws require florists, bakers, and photographers to participate in same-sex weddings. Is this true? Now that same-sex marriage is the law of the land, does that mean wedding businesses must participate in same-sex weddings? In most places, the answer is no.

You’re in a conversation about marriage and religious freedom and someone says, “Discrimination is illegal. It doesn’t matter if you oppose same-sex marriage, you have to bake the cake.” What would you say? Even before the Supreme Court redefined marriage, some states and cities passed laws making sexual orientation a protected class. Today, some believe these laws require florists, bakers, and photographers to participate in same-sex weddings. Is this true? Now that same-sex marriage is the law of the land, does that mean wedding businesses must participate in same-sex weddings? In most places, the answer is no. And here are three reasons why. Declining to serve a gay wedding is different than refusing to serve gay people. Whether it’s flowers, photography, or cakes, there is a difference between a business that says, “I won’t serve you under any circ*mstances” and one that says, “I’m happy to serve you, but I can’t provide the service you’re requesting to anyone.” Non-discrimination laws were created to protect people not events. They require businesses to serve everyone, but they do not require businesses to do anything that might be requested. We all have different convictions and boundaries. We don’t have to understand why someone feels the way they do in order to respect it. Just societies don’t force people to do or say things that violate their beliefs just because their beliefs might be unpopular. Which leads to the second point. The First Amendment protects unpopular beliefs. Popular beliefs don’t need protection. Same-sex marriage was once a very unpopular, but things have changed. Does that mean the freedom to express support for same-sex marriage has changed as well? No. Because the First Amendment protects our right to say and do things that are unpopular. We don’t need legal protection to sayc “tacos are wonderful” because we all agree, tacos are wonderful. We need the First Amendment to protect our right to say things others will be offended by. We all benefit when all of us are free to disagreement but none of are afraid of being punished for it. After all, if you can force someone to do something they don’t want to do, eventually that power will be used to make you do something you don’t want to do. Should a progressive web designer be forced to create a website for the National Rifle Association? Should a pro-life contractor be compelled to build an abortion clinic for Planned Parenthood? Should an African American caterer be required to serve food at a KKK gathering? Of course not. In the same way, forcing someone to participate in a wedding they find morally objectionable is a violation of who we are as a country and in most cases, the courts agree. Which leads to the third point. Courts are protecting religious freedom While these cases are not over, courts are overwhelmingly making decisions that favor religious freedom and disfavor government coercion. Courts have held that nuns cannot be forced pay for birth control; that print shops cannot be forced to print messages on a T-Shirt they disagree with; that firemen cannot fired from their jobs because of what they believe about marriage, and that chaplains cannot be fired for stating the Christian position on sexuality. While some courts have said businesses must participate in same-sex weddings, the United States Supreme Court has said otherwise. There is likely more to come. But in the meantime, while the lawyer are arguing, let’s agree on one thing; we are and should be free to say “no” when we feel we must. So next time someone says the law requires you have to do things that violate your conscience, remember these three things. Declining to serve a gay wedding is different than refusing to serve gay people. The First Amendment protects unpopular beliefs. Popular beliefs don’t need protection. Courts are protecting religious freedom For What Would You Say, I’m Joseph Backholm Disclaimer: This video should not be construed as legal advice. If you have a specific question about a situation in your business, you should consult a lawyer who is familiar with the laws in your area. Several organizations offer free legal advice to those whose religious freedom is being threatned including the Alliance Defending Freedom, First Liberty, and the Beckett Fund. We encourage you to contact them if you have questions.

Are Christians Legally Required to Bake Gay Wedding Cakes? - What Would You Say (2024)


Are Christians Legally Required to Bake Gay Wedding Cakes? - What Would You Say? ›

In most places, the answer is no. You're in a conversation about marriage and religious freedom and someone says, “Discrimination is illegal.

What did the Supreme Court decide about gay wedding cake? ›

In a 7–2 decision, the Court ruled that the Commission did not employ religious neutrality, violating Masterpiece owner Jack Phillips's rights to free exercise, and reversed the Commission's decision.

What is the gay cake story? ›

In July 2012, they went to a local bakery, Masterpiece Cakeshop, a limited liability company in Colorado, and sought to purchase a wedding cake. The owner, Jack Phillips, refused to design and bake the cake, saying that gay marriage violated his religious beliefs.

Why do people have wedding cakes? ›

These cakes were often decorated with intricate designs and icing, and they became a status symbol for the wealthy. Today wedding cakes are a key part of many wedding ceremonies and receptions. It serves as a beautiful centrepiece and a reminder of the couple's commitment to each other.

Do people make their own wedding cakes? ›

Making your own wedding cake could be the loftiest endeavor you ever tackle. But with a bit of skill, creativity, and plenty of patience, it is achievable. For a smaller crowd, consider baking a single-tiered cake. "If you are going to make your own cake, I would make a smaller single-tier cake," says Redd-McIntosh.

Did the baker have to bake the cake for the gay couple? ›

(Reuters) - A Colorado baker who had won a narrow U.S. Supreme Court victory over his refusal to make a wedding cake for a gay couple on Thursday lost his appeal of a ruling in a separate case that he violated a state anti-discrimination law by not making a cake to celebrate a gender transition.

What is the gay cake case? ›

The case concerned the refusal by a Christian-run bakery to make a cake with the words “Support Gay Marriage” and the QueerSpace logo on it which the applicant had ordered and the proceedings that had followed. The applicant, Gareth Lee, is a British national who was born in 1969 and lives in Belfast (United Kingdom).

Who refuses to make a gay cake? ›

Phillips won a partial victory before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2018 after refusing to make a gay couple's wedding cake but was later sued by Autumn Scardina, a transgender woman, who asked his suburban Denver bakery to make a pink cake with blue frosting for her birthday.

What was the Supreme Court decision on the Masterpiece Cakeshop? ›

In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court reversed the state civil rights commission's ruling and concluded that the state commission, during its proceedings, appeared to express hostility towards the baker because of his religious beliefs.

What was the Supreme Court decision on the bakery case? ›

A California judge has ruled in favor of a bakery owner who refused to make wedding cakes for a same-sex couple because it violated her Christian beliefs.

What does a wedding cake symbolize in the Bible? ›

Summary: The wedding cake, like bread in the Bible, represents sustenance, fellowship and life. The sharing of a wedding cake parallels the 'breaking of bread' in biblical fellowship. The sweetness of a wedding cake may symbolize the sweetness of God's love, similar to the sweetness of manna from heaven.

What does it mean when you put the wedding cake under your pillow? ›

If you want to get married, sleep with a piece of the cake under your pillow. It is said that if you place a piece of take-away wedding cake under your pillow, you will dream of your future spouse! This piece of folklore dates back as early as the 17th century.

What does cake represent in the Bible? ›

In conclusion, cakes in the Bible symbolize offerings to God, provision, abundance, celebration, and joy. They were often used as part of offerings and sacrifices, as well as during feasts and celebrations.

What is the difference between a cake and a wedding cake? ›

Wedding cakes usually tend to be larger and more elaborate in design than traditional cakes. They're also often designed to serve a larger amount of people, and therefore will take more time and money to prepare.

What is a wedding cake that is not real? ›

Put very simply, a fake wedding cake is just what its name suggests: a cake that is not “real”. It looks like a perfectly real, edible cake, but it is made out of polystyrene foam and then covered in real icing and fondant.

What's the difference between a groom's cake and a wedding cake? ›

With history out of the way, let's talk about what makes a groom's cake, a groom's cake! The purest most simplistic definition is a wedding cake that is wholly influenced by the groom. This cake was traditionally served to the guests as a second flavor, as the more traditional wedding cake was thought too feminine.

What is the Supreme Court side with the Baker? ›

The court issued a limited ruling in favor of the baker, Jack Phillips, saying there had been impermissible hostility toward his religious views in the consideration of his case.

How much did the gay cake case cost? ›

Mr Lee initially sued the bakers and won in the county court and Court of Appeal. However, the bakers then appealed to the Supreme Court and won, overturning all previous decisions. The case has cost around £500,000 in legal fees, with some of this being borne by taxpayers.

Why did the Supreme Court rule in favor of Masterpiece Cakeshop Quizlet? ›

basically ON WHAT GROUNDS did they decide? The court ruled in favor of Masterpiece cakeshop, The Colorado Civil right's commission's conduct in evaluating a cake shop owner's reasons for declining to make a wedding cake for same-sex couples violated the free exercise clause of the first amendment.


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