235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (2024)

235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (1)

autor: Matěj

Write a beautiful bridal shower wish for your friend, sister, daughter, or coworker! We have prepared the ultimate collection of beautiful bridal shower wishes.

We have divided these wishes into several categories – best, short, funny, for sister, daughter, friend, coworker, and more…

Table of Contents

What to write for bridal shower wishes?

Bridal shower wishes don’t need to be lengthy. They should be sincere, and heartfelt. We have prepared many ideas for your inspiration. And if you want to write the original one, you can mention:

  • Congratulations
  • Your excitement about the upcoming wedding
  • What a beautiful bride she is going to be
  • Inspirational quote
  • Personal message or memory with the bride or the couple.

Best Wishes for Bride-to-Be

  1. Congratulations to the happy couple! You are proof that soulmates and true love exist. May you grow together and always find new ways to love and support each other. All the best!
  2. “Please don’t mind my happy tears. I always cry at wedding showers for people I love!”
  3. You both are proof that true love does exist. I wish that you both grow in love and care for each other always!
  4. “Simply overjoyed to be celebrating your wedding shower with you.”
  5. “It means so much to be here with you as you look forward to your wedding day.”
  6. May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and happiness!
  7. A very happy wedding and married life to the perfect couple!
  8. I have happy tears thinking of the incredible adventures that you are going to have in the near future.
  9. Life is short, but you can start with being together forever! Best Wishes for that!
  10. The ingredients for a happy marriage are trust, patience and communication. Their combination creates a love that will last for years to come.
  11. The future is uncertain, but I wish you both a wonderful married life and a lifetime of being together.
  12. You will be a queen soon so today let’s celebrate your status of being a princess for one last time. Make the best use of being a bride to be.
  13. Cherish each moment with each other and make the most of the days to come.
  14. May your union bring the two of you more joy than you could ever imagine and may you forever remain to be one. Many congratulations on your big day.
  15. Your husband is surely very lucky to get such a beautiful wife like you as a life partner. Congratulations to the Bride-To-Be!
  16. You are glowing with the happiness of being together with your life partner. Keep that glow in your face forever. Keep glowing, dear!
  17. Congratulations on finding a great man to walk through life with! May your love last forever, and your husband spoil you rotten! I love you.

Bridal Shower Wishes to Best Friend

  1. “Your shower is one party I wouldn’t have missed for the world!”
  2. “This is such a happy and busy time for you…Just want to make sure you know I’m here for you, for whatever you need.”
  3. “This is the end of an era!”
  4. They say marriage is hard. You have my number! Best of luck and love to you.
  5. May you stay the same; madly, crazily, and truly in love! Best wishes to you.
  6. Goodbye Miss and hello Mrs.! May this new chapter in your life bring you much joy.
  7. It’s not about getting married; it’s about staying married. Take time to cultivate your love so it continues to blossom.
  8. The big day is almost here, and I am as thrilled as you, and I will be there if you need me till then and after as well!
  9. I thought I was your soulmate, but your partner is not that bad too, so here’s wishing both of you a lifetime of happiness!
  10. Congratulations on finding Mr. Right! Wishing you all the best on your special day and we hope you have a great future together.
  11. With warm wishes and hugs, I want to wish you best of luck for your wedding day and the new life you will embark upon.
  12. I’m so happy for you! Relax, have fun, and enjoy your special day! I’ll be here if you need anything—there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you!
  13. After so many years of friendship, I’ve never seen you this happy. Wishing you all the love as you embark on this new chapter!
  14. After all these years living together, it was obvious that the time, to see you bride, would come very soon! May you live more times like this together!
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (3)

Funny Bridal Shower Wishes

  1. “You better throw me that bouquet. On second thought, forget the bouquet. Throw me a groomsman.”
  2. “Congrats on finding love! (Although I’m gonna miss hearing all your wild dating stories.)”
  3. “Congrats on your upcoming wedding and (hopefully) getting the matching towel set of your dreams!”
  4. I wouldn’t miss your marriage for the world. It would be like missing out on the event of the year because nobody can believe that you finally said “yes”!
  5. “There has never been a happier reason for me to buy a cutting board.”
  6. “Hope you’re showered in love and kitchen essentials!”
  7. Best wishes to you on your special day! Just remember—if you need an escape plan, you know where to find me!
  8. Congratulations on finding the one person you want to annoy for the rest of your life!
  9. To a lifetime of love, laughter, and chaos!
  10. Marriage is about communication and compromise. You’ll be doing the communication and he’ll be doing the compromise.
  11. Enjoy the last party before the nerves set in for the big day!
  12. Here’s to a lifetime of shared dishwashing duties!
  13. Choosing each other was difficult, you have done that, now you can relax and enjoy the rest of your life with each other!
  14. Getting married is like baking a cake. Right now, you’re at the stage where you reach in the cupboard and get the bowl. It’s gonna take a lifetime for that sucker to cook.
  15. Always keep valuing the bond of love that you share with him along with being together! Congratulations! Keep holding onto the bond tightly!
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (4)

Poetic Bridal Shower Wishes

  1. Like a lighthouse on a dark night, may your love for one another always shine brightly.
  2. It’s a magical moment when two people say „I do.“ I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
  3. Your wedding day is the first day of the rest of your lives. Here’s hoping the two of you will be in love forever.
  4. Love is priceless, and many take it for granted. You two have a love that will last for a long time, congratulations.
  5. The key to a successful union to falling in love over and over again – with the same person.
  6. True Love is the confirmation that dreams can become reality.
  7. Ingredients for a happy marriage: Heaps of Love, large spoonful of compassion and understanding, a cupful of humor and a pinch of romance.
  8. May your wedding be the first of many fairytale days together.
  9. Like a sailor knows the ocean, a bride easily recognizes the face of the man that loves her.
  10. May your Love grow from a tiny acorn of passion into a solid tree with strong roots to weather any storm. Congratulations and may you both always smile!
  11. Keep your wedding cup filled to the brim with Love and you will always be happy.
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (5)

Short Bridal Shower Wishes

  1. “Cheers and all the happy feels!”
  2. To loads of love, new experiences till infinity and beyond!
  3. “With warmest wishes for the bride-to-be.”
  4. After the “Yes,” before the “I do,” happy shower to you!
  5. “Love and blessings to you on this happy day.”
  6. Happy shower. Happy couple. Happy wishes!
  7. “You’re going to make such a beautiful bride.”
  8. “I can’t decide which one of you is luckier.”
  9. Love and blessings to you on this joyous day!
  10. Cheers to many happy years!
  11. Wishing you the wedding day and marriage of your dreams.
  12. To a lifetime of love and laughter with your favorite person!
  13. Raising a toast to eternal happiness and marital bliss for both of you.
  14. May it be just the beginning of a lifetime of dreams coming true!
  15. Congratulations on your special day. Wish you a wonderful life ahead.
  16. May laughter and love be the soundtrack of your marriage.
  17. Just a card to shower you with happy wishes!
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (6)

Bridal Shower Wishes for Sister

  1. “Totally happy for and kind of jealous of you right now.”
  2. You have chosen the perfect person to grow old with. Best wishes!
  3. “Better you than me!”
  4. “Remember back when we used to play wedding with our dolls? Well, Sis, I hope your big day is even more fun and unforgettable.”
  5. “I can’t believe my (little) sister is getting married! So thrilled for you.”
  6. May your married life be filled with laughter, prosperity, and lots of love!
  7. Congratulations on finding a sensitive, caring, and honorable man who worships the ground you walk on. I’ll be proud to call him my brother-in-law, and I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful life together. I love you!
  8. Big day is at the door but let’s have some fun once more. To my beautiful sister and the loveliest bride, Happy Bridal Shower.
  9. I could not be happier to know that you have found your happily-ever-after.
  10. You must be a unicorn because your man is magical. That’s the only way to nab a unicorn.
  11. It’s difficult to believe that my sister’s all grown up! You’re going to be the most beautiful bride, and I can’t wait to see you become Mrs. Smith. I am sending you all my love!
  12. “Seeing you and Josh together makes my heart swell! I can’t wait to see my beautiful big sister walk down the aisle and start the next chapter of her life!”
  13. Congratulations, dear sister! It’s your turn to be the princess for the day—make it count!
  14. The best gift to give each is your ultimate love.
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (7)

Bridal Shower Wishes for Niece

  1. Kiss every day, laugh often, and never stop being friends. You two were made for each other. Congratulations on your wedding!
  2. The best is yet to come! Cherish each moment along this journey.
  3. You deserve a ‘happily ever after’ more than anyone I know! I’m glad you found your perfect match and want to wish you a fairy tale marriage.”
  4. You’re the most wonderful and caring woman I know. You deserve someone equally as amazing…Luckily, you found him.
  5. Celebrate togetherness every day since day one of your marriage. That is how you two will be the happiest. Sweetest Wishes to the Future Mrs.!
  6. May your partner love you as much as we do. Happy bridal shower, niece.
  7. It seems like only yesterday you were a bubbly little girl running around at family gatherings! So excited to see you’ve found the perfect partner. Congratulations on your bridal shower, niece.
  8. You deserve all the happiness in the world and I know you’ve found it. Have an epic bridal shower.
  9. Your husband must be fortunate as he found you as his forever partner. All my good wishes on your bridal shower, niece. Waiting for celebrating the big day of yours.
  10. Get ready because there are going to be tears! Mainly from me!
  11. Wishing my baby niece all the best on your wedding day and the many blissful years to come.
  12. Even though you’re only my niece we’ve always felt like sisters, and as a big sis I’m just so pleased to see you this happy. Have a wonderful shower and enjoy the big day.
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (8)

Bridal Shower Wishes for a Friend

  1. “Thanks for making me part of your special day. Let the toasts begin!”
  2. Congratulations on a wonderful partnership and the many happy years to come! I can’t wait to celebrate with you on the big day!
  3. May you always stay truly, madly, crazy in love. Best wishes to you!
  4. “You make this getting married thing look good!”
  5. Make the most of each other and uplift each other in this journey of marriage.
  6. It brings me so much joy to see you happy, my dearest friend. Congratulations!
  7. I was so excited to hear you are getting married. Congratulations to you and your new husband. Wishing you the best always.
  8. You’ve always been an amazing friend and I know that you will make the best wife.
  9. I’m so eager to see you start this next chapter of your life with an incredible guy. Congratulations, soon-to-be-Mrs.!
  10. Here’s cheering for your special day and every day after that with your partner.
  11. Can you give us some tips on how to get us a guy just like you did? Or you could just raffle yours off to one of us? No? Ok, well then congrats!
  12. Looking forward to seeing you all dressed up on yourwedding day. As always if there’s anything I can do to help please let me know. Love you lots!
  13. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! May your life with your partner be everything you hope it will be, and more.
  14. I have seen immense love in his eyes for you. I am happy that you guys are tying the knot of love!
  15. Congratulations to my dear friend. You are one of my favorite people in the world, and it brings me such joy to see you happy.
  16. If long-lasting love was worth money, then you both would be rich! Wishing the two of you a long and happy marriage.
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (9)

Bridal Shower Wishes for Daughter

  1. I look at you, my beautiful daughter and I see a woman who has made me happy and proud. I can’t wait to see you marry the love of your life, and I hope you have a wonderful, loving future together.
  2. You couldn’t have chosen a better person to marry, and I cannot imagine a more beautiful bride. You two are going to be magical together. Sending you all my love!
  3. All a mother ever wants is her daughter to be happy, safe, and healthy! I have no doubt that Alex will make you the happiest woman on earth.”
  4. I’ve dreamed of this day since the moment you were born, and I am so happy that I will share it with you. I hope you and your groom-to-be have a beautiful life together. I love you.
  5. My greatest wish is that you have happiness in life. When I see you with John, I know that wish has come true.
  6. I’m lucky to have a daughter who is caring, loving, and courageous. I’m even luckier that you are marrying a man who adores you. Congratulations, darling. I can’t wait to see you on your big day.
  7. You make me proud every single day! Congratulations on finding someone who appreciates your brilliance and loves you as much as I do!”
  8. May your new journey be safe, happy, and full of love. Congratulations on your bridal shower, my beautiful daughter.
  9. I feel so grateful to have a strong, beautiful, and caring daughter, and even more lucky that you found a man who deserves you! I’m thrilled to see you get married and build your life together. Congratulations!
  10. Love your mother and father-in-law as you love us. They will be your second parents and they will look after you forever. You will always have my blessings, love, and support!
  11. Congratulations on finding a wonderful person to share your life with. It brings me comfort to know that you two have everything you need, because you have each other. I’ll always be here for you no matter what.
  12. Seeing you all grown up and ready for marriage makes me emotional yet immensely happy. Congratulations Jane, on your bridal shower!
  13. You are the most beautiful, thoughtful, and special daughter a parent could ask for. I can’t wait to celebrate with you on your big day.
  14. I’m so happy that you found someone who appreciates you and loves you: many many good wishes, daughter.
  15. Like you have made us the proudest by being the best daughter, make your husband the proudest by being the best wife! Have a blessed wedding shower, Princess!
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (10)

Bridal Shower Wishes for Daughter in Law

  1. “Can’t wait to have you for my daughter-in-law. Love you already!”
  2. “Looking forward to having you as part of the family! We’re a little weird, sure—but we mean well.”
  3. I’m happy that my son found a soulmate and we cannot wait to receive our daughter soon. Congratulations, dear.
  4. We cannot give enough thanks to you for giving your beautiful heart to our son and becoming a part of our lovely family. Do not stress over the ceremony. Have a blast at your bridal shower party. We love you.
  5. “You’re beautiful inside and out, and you deserve all the happiness ahead of you.”
  6. We are getting a daughter by marrying off our son to you and it is the best gift of all.
  7. Thank you for opening your heart to my son and becoming a part of our family. We love you and can’t wait to see you make it official!
  8. May your wedding day be as beautiful as you! Can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle.
  9. Enjoy the bumpy ride of marriage. Just remember we will be there for you like for our son.
  10. They say you can’t change a man, but I’ve never seen Mike as happy as you make him. Here’s to many years of happiness for you both.
  11. It soothes our soul to see our son has found someone who takes care of him as we do. Thank you for agreeing to be in our crazy family.
  12. I knew from the moment I met you that my son had chosen a very special woman. We are so excited to welcome you to our family.
  13. Thanks for loving my son. My son is lucky to have you. Happy Bridal Shower!
  14. You are already family to us, and we wish nothing but the best for you. Have the gorgeous bridal shower party ever.
  15. I can tell how happy you make Daniel by the smile that always appears on his face when he says your name. May you grow old together and still bring a smile to each other’s faces many years from now. Best wishes!
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (11)

Bridal Shower Wishes for Cousin

  1. Congratulations, beautiful bride-to-be! I can’t wait to see you in that white dress!
  2. From the moment I heard you were engaged, I’ve been overjoyed. Jack is your perfect match, and I know you two will be so happy together! Congratulations!
  3. I’m so happy for you that you found Peter! I couldn’t imagine a funnier, sweeter, more devoted guy. He’s everything I could ask for in a husband for my cousin. Congratulations!
  4. Congratulations! You couldn’t have picked a better person to start your life with. Wishing love and happiness to you both!
  5. Congratulations! Now let’s celebrate your shower and party like we used to!
  6. Your wedding day is almost here! I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle on the happiest day of your life.
  7. Dance alone today as it is your last time! All the rest dancing times, you will have a partner guiding you! Enjoy a life full of happiness!
  8. I love to see that smile on your face! May this smile never leaves your lips! Congratulations!
  9. Never let go each other hands. Stay together to face all the hurdles of life happily. Wishing you my best wishes, have a happy married life!
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (12)

Bridal Shower Wishes for Sister-in-Law

  1. “I’ve loved getting to know you, and I’m so happy we’re about to become family.”
  2. “All I can say is, my brother, is very lucky to be marrying you.”
  3. “This is more than a shower—it’s your welcome-to-the-family party! Looking forward to having you for a ‘sister.’”
  4. I could not be happier for both of you and your decision to be together for life.
  5. Wishing you both great joy as you open the next chapter of your life together.
  6. May your companionship be filled with the right ingredients: love, humor, romance, and understanding. Wishing you a wonderful journey as husband and wife in your new life together. Congratulations and may your joy live forever.
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (13)

Religious / Christian Bridal Shower Wishes

  1. Congratulations! May your love for God and your husband grow stronger, deeper, and more life-giving every day.
  2. God Bless you both on your journey!
  3. “Blessings to you as you prepare to say I do.”
  4. The strongest marriages are those with God at the center. Congratulations, and I wish you all the best for the future. God bless you and Adam.
  5. ‘God, the best maker of all marriages, combine your hearts in one, your realms in one.’ — Shakespeare
  6. May the years ahead of you be full of joy and love, may you always have wonderful moments of togetherness always and may God bless you.
  7. ‘Were there nothing else, for which to praise the heavens but only love… Only love was cause enough for praise.’ —Tennyson
  8. May God shower you with blessings, joy, and love, today and always! Happy bridal shower!
  9. Keep your faith in God, and He will make your bond strong. Best wishes on your bridal shower.
  10. When you join hands and come together on your special day, I pray to God that you will never have to take them apart.
  11. I wish all the blessings to be bestowed upon you from the Lord and his angel’s so that your marriage is a successful one. Congratulations on your bridal shower!
  12. May God grant you love and happiness together. Congratulations on your bridal shower and the new journey!
  13. A couple can love each other best when they love God first. Wishing you love on your special day!
  14. You both look beautiful together, and I pray for you guys to stay with each other lifelong facing all hurdles of life happily. Congratulations on your bridal shower!
  15. Stay strong in your faith and you will stay strong in marriage. Congratulations on your new life together.
235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (14)

Bridal Shower Wishes for Coworker

  1. Wishing you a wedding filled with romance, a marriage filled with love, and a lifetime filled with happiness.
  2. A sunny day begins with a shower! Wishing you great happiness for every day of your union as husband and wife.
  3. Have a happy wedding day and life together! I’m feeling so much love and joy for you both.
  4. Congratulations on finding your perfect mate! Wishing you and your new spouse the best on your upcoming day.
  5. Congratulations on taking this big step! I wish you nothing but happiness!
  6. Wishing you and your new spouse the best on your upcoming day, and here’s hoping for a lot of grandchildren for your parents!
  7. The big day and perhaps more importantly the honeymoon is just around the corner. Wishing you all the best during this busy time.
  8. “May every wonderful thing be yours and all of your wedding dreams come true as you’re showered with love and attention today and wished a long and happy lifetime, too!”

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235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (15)

More Bridal Shower Messages

  1. “What a busy and exciting time! I’ll be thinking of you as you make your final preparations for the big day.”
  2. “As you look at all the smiling faces surrounding you today, I hope you feel so loved.”
  3. “Just wanted to shower you with some happy wishes!”
  4. It is a long way from saying “yes” to “I do,” and for making that journey, I wish a happy bridal shower to you!
  5. Life is full of surprises, and the biggest surprise is that you waited this long to get married! Best wishes on your special day.
  6. “(Groom’s name) is one lucky guy. Congratulations and best wishes to you both!”
  7. Wishing you all the best on your wedding day and in the many blissful years to come.
  8. Best wishes for the prettiest bride on earth. You two are blessings for each other. Wishing You Two Oceans of Happiness.
  9. Choose to love each other, even in the moments when you are struggling to like each other.
  10. Congratulations are in order for the big day, and I can’t wait to celebrate this amazing day with you.
  11. The wedding day is soon to arrive, and I just wanted to wish you the very best on your special day. Congratulations!
  12. “Thank you for including me as part of your special day! Looking forward to seeing you take the next step in your life. Congratulations!”
  13. Maybe you two didn’t think you’d make it this far, but everyone else could see it from the beginning. You two make the perfect couple.
  14. Always keep valuing the bond of love that you share with him along with being together! Congratulations! Keep holding onto the bond tightly!
  15. Never take for granted what life has to offer, including the person you truly love. Wishing both of you the best on your wedding day.

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235 Best Bridal Shower Wishes (To Make her Happy and Cry) (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.