13 Not-So-Basic Avocado Recipes (2024)

We’ve teamed up with Apeel to highlight our favorite avocado recipes for every time of day. Apeel is plant-based protection that locks moisture in and keeps oxygen out, which makes for longer-lasting produce and helps reduce food waste.

When the just-ripe avocado you bought a few days ago is quickly approaching an unappetizing level of brown, sometimes slapping it on a piece of toast is all you’ve got time for. But what if you could extend the shelflife of that precious green fruit? Think of all the possibilities: delicate avocado dumplings in a savory tomato broth, Genius-approved guacamole, savory avocado-stuffed French toast, and even dreamy vegan chocolate mousse. To accomplish all of this without multiple trips to the grocery store, you’ll need to grab a few Apeel-Protected Avocados. Apeel’s plant-based protection extends the shelf life of avos, giving you more time to experiment in the kitchen with this versatile ingredient.

To help you make the most of your avocados, we’ve rounded up 13 of our best avocado recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert (yes, dessert!).

1. Avocado Crab Rolls

Move over lobster, there’s a new roll in town. This recipe doubles down on the avocado: fresh chunks mixed with crab, red pepper, celery, and chives, plus an extra-creamy avocado mayo you’ll want to add to every sandwich.

Avocado Crab Rolls

2. Deviled Avocados

If you’ve ever found yourself yearning for a vegan version of deviled eggs, you’re in luck. In this restaurant-ready recipe, turmeric hummus takes the place of the traditional egg yolk filling and is served in an avocado half for an extremely clever and snackable presentation.

Deviled Avocados

3. Avocado Dumplings in Tomato Curry Broth

Avocado chunks add texture to light, airy dumplings flavored with lime zest, garlic, and cilantro. When cooked in a deeply savory tomato curry broth, they’re transformed into pillowy perfection.

Avocado Dumplings in Curry Tomato Broth


It’s always soup season when chilling is an option. This bright, flavorful soup is ultra-creamy thanks to avocado and yogurt, accompanied by the bite of quick-pickled radishes for garnish.

5. Avocado-Stuffed French Toast

This French toast is a savory twist on a classic dish with the addition of avocado and hot sauce. And of course, it wouldn’t be brunch without an egg or two, so we recommend frying or poaching a few to serve on top.

Avocado-Stuffed French Toast

6. Carrot Avocado Salad

Silky avocado complements crunchy sunflower seeds and tender roasted carrots in this salad that’ll have you coming back for seconds (and maybe thirds).

Carrot Avocado Salad

7. Dark Chocolate Avocado Truffles

What do you get when you combine avocado, dark chocolate chips, and cocoa powder? The easiest vegan truffles you’ll ever make, that’s what.

Dark Chocolate Avocado Truffles

8. Avocado Ice Cream (Helado de Aguacate)

Ice cream aficionado Fany Gerson embraces the sweet side of avocados in a recipe that’s inspired by her childhood in Mexico. Avocados are naturally fatty, which means your ice cream will be just as smooth as it is delightfully green.

Avocado Ice Cream (Helado de Aguacate)


If you’re a fan of salad pizza (IYKYK), then you’ll probably love this salad sandwich recipe that pairs lemony kale with creamy avocado and crunchy bread—a mashup made in heaven.

Avocado and Marinated Kale Salad Sandwich

10. Iced Coffee with Avocado (Es Alpukat Kopi Susu)

Switch up your afternoon coffee routine with this dairy-free take on a classic Indonesian dessert drink made with coffee and avocado. This version blends coconut milk with coconut water for a not-too-sweet beverage that also happens to be totally vegan.

Iced Coffee With Avocado (Es Alpukat Kopi Susu)


Recipe Genius Roberto Santibañez knows his way around an avocado, so it comes as no surprise that his take on guacamole soars above the rest. His secret is the sweet heat from a combination of tequila-soaked apples, toasted pecans, and blistered chile that’ll keep you dipping chip after chip.

Roberto Santibañez' Classic Guacamole


Discover your new favorite salad (and perhaps a new-to-you ancient grain!) with this recipe that’s loaded with nutrient-rich ingredients—avocado, lentils, and flaxseed, to name a few. If you can’t find kamut, swap in farro, spelt, or wheat berries.

French Lentil, Kamut, and Avocado Salad with Basil Dressing

13. Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate lovers, this one’s for you: a decadent avocado-based mousse that you simply will not believe is vegan. Six simple ingredients come together to form the chocolatey, ever-so-slightly salty peaks of this dessert.

Avocado Chocolate Mousse
What’s your favorite avocado recipe? Tell us in the comments!

Our friends at Apeel have the secret to longer-lasting fruits and veggies: plant-based protection that is applied to keep ‘em fresh by retaining moisture and reducing oxygenation. Apeel-Protected Organic Avocados are our go-to for making all sorts of delicious, nourishing dishes, from fudgy vegan brownies to protein-packed salads perfect for lunch or dinner. Bonus: Apeel-Protected fruit and vegetables last longer, which helps to reduce food waste from farm to table so you can feel even better about getting your daily dose of fresh produce.

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“This: https://food52.com/recipes/17974-fried-avocado-tacos-with-sesame-and-lime”

— Bevi


Psst: You can find Apeel-Protected Organic Avocados in Illinois and Indiana Kroger stores.

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13 Not-So-Basic Avocado Recipes (2024)


How to eat avocado for beginners? ›

The simplest way to enjoy avocados is by sprinkling them with a pinch of salt and pepper. You can also try other seasonings like paprika, cayenne pepper, balsamic vinegar, or lemon juice.

What can you mix with avocado to make it taste better? ›

Flavored olive oils like garlic or lemon would also be delicious. Lemon Juice – Use fresh lemon here, not juice purchased in a bottle, which can be quite bitter. Salt and Pepper – I would avoid table salt. Use kosher salt or a flaky sea salt would work well.

What is the best way to eat avocado if you don't like it? ›

Add manageable slices to sandwiches, salads, and other fresh foods. Halve an avocado, chuck the freakishly huge pit, and cut the soft fruit inside into thin strips. Use these strips to top a mixed salad, or tuck them away inside a light wrap or sandwich full of items you actually like.

Why are chefs ditching avocados? ›

Problems include deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and water shortage in growing communities. Avocado farming is increasingly linked to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and water shortages.

What is the best way to eat an avocado by itself? ›

One of the best, and easy, ways to enjoy a ripe avocado is to eat it by itself. For avocado purists – eating a half of a plain avocado sprinkled with lemon juice or your favorite seasoning is all you need. Try a little paprika or balsamic vinegar for an added twist.

What not to mix with avocado? ›

The combination you want to stay away from is eating avocados (a fat) with nuts (a protein). The raw fat properties of the avocado have an inhibiting effect of the digestion of the protein in nuts.

Can I eat eggs and avocados every day? ›

However, this mix should be eaten in moderation. "The ideal way not to risk exaggerating with fat and calories is to bring to the table half avocado combined with two eggs, preferably hard-boiled, no more than a couple of times a week," says the expert, who here shares 5 good reasons to choose this meal combination.

What seasoning is good on avocado? ›

Besides for your basic salt and pepper, try spices that are fresh or dried such as garlic powder, red pepper chili flakes for a nice kick, fresh parsley or cilantro, dill, zaatar seasoning, everything bagel spice, or lemon salt. Avocados are soft in texture; topping your toast with some crunch can enhance every bite.

Why don't I feel good after eating avocado? ›

An intolerance to avocados is much more common than an allergy. Symptoms of avocado intolerance include bloating, gas, diarrhea, and nausea. If you have an intolerance to avocados, you may be able to eat small amounts or certain avocado-containing products without experiencing any symptoms.

How do you make avocado taste good for picky eaters? ›

First of all, providing variety in how you serve foods can help your child understand that this new food can come in different shapes and flavors. Avocados can be served raw, on top of salads, or as dips. You can easily turn avocados into guacamole or chop them up into kid-friendly shapes. Next, consider portion sizes.

Why I don't eat avocado? ›

Avocados are rich in fats, so eating too much of this fruit may result in uncontrollable weight gain. Because of this, it is advised to reduce the amount of avocados in your daily meals if you are aiming to shed some excessive weight.

Why not eat avocado toast? ›

Starting your day with a heavy, fat-rich meal like avocado toast could lead to an unbalanced intake of nutrients. This imbalance might affect energy levels throughout the day, as meals high in fat can cause sluggishness and hinder cognitive function.

Why do Mexicans eat avocado? ›

Avocados have long been a part of the Mexican diet, they are thought to have been extremely important among the indigenous people of ancient Mesoamerica, as the fruit provided sustenance and possessed mythological powers.

Why did the US stop buying avocados? ›

In an email statement, a USDA spokesperson said that it has paused inspections of avocados and mangoes in the region until further notice due to security concerns for its personnel in Michoacan.

Do you peel an avocado before eating? ›

When you peel the skin off a delicious, creamy heart-healthy California Avocado, you get a complex package of phytonutrients. California Avocados have been identified as contributing eleven beneficial carotenoids to one's diet, including lutein, zeaxanthin, and alpha- and beta-carotene.

How do you serve an avocado for the first time? ›

A: Avocados are a great option for a first food! They are soft and easy to chew; plus, they have a likable, mild flavor. Serve in a puree or cut in strips for baby-led weaning.


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