10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (2024)

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Here is the only list you’ll ever need of the best Sweet Potato Recipes. Whenever you have a bunch of sweet potatoes, grab this list because we have a little bit of everything from Mashed Sweet Potatoes to Candied Sweet Potatoes! Simple and delicious!

10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (2)

Table of Contents

  • The Best Sweet Potato Recipes
  • Are Sweet Potatoes Healthy?
  • Sweet Potatoes vs Regular Potatoes
  • How to Store Leftovers
  • What to Serve with Sweet Potatoes
  • 10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes

    The Best Sweet Potato Recipes

    Whether it’s for a holiday dinner or you simply just have a bunch of sweet potatoes, this list of Sweet Potato Recipes is going to come in handy!

    We love sweet potatoes around here. They are so flavorful and their texture is just perfect. No matter which way you cook them, they always end up buttery smooth and rich in flavor.

    Sometimes all you need is a little salt and pepper and sometimes you need some marshmallows! But whatever way you cook sweet potatoes, you’re going to be pleased with the results. It also helps that sweet potatoes are really good for you!

    Are Sweet Potatoes Healthy?

    Sweet potatoes are often seen as the healthier option when choosing a potato. Here is why sweet potatoes are so healthy:

    • They are a great source of nutrients. Sweet potatoes are good sources of fiber and various vitamins.
    • They can help support healthy eyesight and brain health. Sweet potatoes are high in beta-carotene which is what makes them so orange.
    • They may help regulate your blood sugar. This is important if you have diabetes.
    • They also may have cancer-fighting properties. Meaning that they are high in antioxidants.

    Sweet Potatoes vs Regular Potatoes

    Are sweet potatoes better than regular potatoes? Some people swap out sweet potatoes for regular potatoes quite often because they think that they are healthier. There are a few things that stand out about sweet potatoes that make them a healthier choice.

    First, they have a ton of beta-carotene. Which is something other potatoes do not have at all. The beta carotene is transformed into Vitamin A in your body.

    Second, they are very high in fiber and many other nutrients that white potatoes do not have.

    Additionally, both white potatoes and sweet potatoes are great sources of potassium and Vitamin C. So you’re making a smart choice in whatever potato you choose.

    How to Store Leftovers

    The best way to store sweet potato leftovers is to use an airtight container and keep it in the fridge. Then you can easily reheat any leftovers either in the microwave, stovetop, or the air fryer depending on which recipe you’re using.

    What to Serve with Sweet Potatoes

    Here are some of our favorite things to serve with sweet potatoes. You don’t have to save these sweet potato recipes for Thanksgiving or Christmas!

    • Chicken: Our Roasted Citrus Chicken and Baked Chicken Legs are two healthy and simple recipes that pair well with any of these sweet potato recipes.
    • Beef: We love serving sweet potatoes with a grilled steak (or how about an Air Fryer London Broil!) but our Shredded Beef is also really great, too!
    • Pork: One way we love to serve sweet potatoes is stuffed with Pulled Pork! Or if you aren’t a bbq fan, try out these Pan Fried Pork Chops instead!
    • Fish: Sweet potatoes are a great side dish with simply seared fish filet (like this Air Fryer Mahi Mahi) but they also pair well with Grilled Shrimp, too.
    • Veggies: If you are looking to pack in all the healthy veggies, try out our favorite Lentil Stew. It’s packed with sweet potatoes, kale, carrots, green beans, lentils and more!

    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes

    Sweet potatoes are a great vegetable to keep in your kitchen for simple side dishes and complete meals! This list of 10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes is all you need when you are wondering what kind of dish to make.

    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (3)

    Air Fryer Sweet Potatoes

    Air Fryer Sweet Potatoes are the easiest way to make perfectly cooked sweet potatoes. The outside is crispy and the inside is just right for adding all of your favorite toppings or enjoying on their own with some butter.

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (4)

    Candied Sweet Potatoes

    These decadent Candied Sweet Potatoes are an easy side dish that is perfect for the holidays. Everyone will love this sweet potato dish. Save it for special occasions!

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    These easy Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes are the perfect side dish for any holiday dinner or a fancy weeknight meal. The warm buttery cinnamon and brown sugar center combined with the toasted marshmallows, create an irresistible side dish.

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (6)

    Sweet Potato Casserole with Marshmallows

    This easy-to-make Sweet Potato Casserole with Marshmallows only has 5 ingredients! It's the perfect Thanksgiving side dish that's so simple to make. But we wouldn't judge you if you made it throughout the year – it's that good!

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (7)

    Sweet Potato Soufflé

    This Sweet Potato Souffle is the perfect holiday side dish. It's so easy to make you can whip it up and still enjoy time with family and friends.

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (8)

    Mashed Sweet Potatoes

    These simple Mashed Sweet Potatoes only have 3 ingredients! This is a savory recipe, but you can easily make it sweet by adding maple syrup or brown sugar.

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (9)

    Boiled Sweet Potatoes

    Boiled Sweet Potatoes are super easy and ready in less than 20 minutes and you only need 3 ingredients! You can enjoy them on their own or use them as a base for many of our sweet potato recipes.

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (10)

    Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes

    If you love baked sweet potatoes, wait until you try them in the instant pot! This easy recipe for Instant Pot Sweet Potatoes takes half the time of baking and produces an extra tender, soft and moist sweet potato. This is a great no-fuss way of making sweet potatoes.

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (11)

    Baked Sweet Potatoes

    Sometimes you just want a simple Baked Sweet Potato. Here's our tried and true recipe!

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (12)

    Roasted Sweet Potatoes

    These perfectly tender and seasoned Roasted Sweet Potatoes are quick and simple. Using just salt and pepper, the potatoes taste amazing and it's a healthy side dish to add to breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

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    10 Essential Sweet Potato Recipes | Easy, Quick & Budget Friendly! (2024)


    What can I add to sweet potatoes to make it taste good? ›

    Place sweet potatoes into a large mixing bowl; drizzle with olive oil. Season with paprika, brown sugar, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, poultry seasoning, chili powder, and cayenne pepper; toss until potatoes are evenly coated.

    What is the healthiest way to eat sweet potatoes? ›

    The healthiest ways to prepare sweet potatoes are to steam or boil them. You can also bake, roast, or fry sweet potatoes, but you should take care to limit these preparation methods, which will cause the sugars to break down in different ways and often include extra recipe ingredients like oil, butter, or sugar.

    How to dress up sweet potatoes? ›

    For a topping, stick to butter, Greek yogurt, or sour cream, or try adding a dollop of cilantro lime dressing, tzatziki, chipotle sauce, pesto, guacamole, or a drizzle of tahini sauce. If you have leftover baked sweet potatoes, save the soft flesh for another recipe.

    What brings out the flavor of sweet potatoes? ›

    Browning butter packs in tons of flavor, without dulling the sweet potatoes. Slow-roasting the sweet potatoes activates endogenous enzymes that bring out their natural sweetness. A touch of maple syrup, butter, and a bit of chopped thyme are the only embellishments these naturally sweet sweet potatoes need.

    What does baking soda do to sweet potatoes? ›

    Baking Soda – boiling the potatoes in baking soda draws out the starch and allows the outside to get brown and crispy. Sweet Potatoes – yams work fine too. Extra Virgin Olive Oil – gets infused with rosemary and garlic and is the key to getting that crispy exterior.

    Is it healthier to boil or bake sweet potatoes? ›

    Boiling sweet potatoes retains more beta-carotene and makes the nutrient more absorbable than other cooking methods such as baking or frying. Up to 92% of the nutrient can be retained by limiting the cook time, such as boiling in a pot with a tightly covered lid for 20 minutes.

    Is it healthier to bake or microwave a sweet potato? ›

    It's really the best way. Microwaving sweet potatoes cuts down cook time by 45 to 55 minutes, and, according to a 2018 study, helps maintain the potato's nutritional value. All cooking methods cause foods to lose some of their nutrients, but the quicker your potato cooks, the more nutrients it will retain.

    Why is boiling not good for sweet potatoes? ›

    Despite their sweet taste, these potatoes have an intermediate glycemic index (GI) level, meaning they are digested and absorbed fairly slowly, leading to a more gradual increase in blood sugar levels. But, a lot of these benefits, including nutrients and taste, can be lost by boiling sweet potatoes.

    What are good toppings for a baked sweet potato? ›

    There are so many toppings and ways you can eat a classic sweet potato here are a few ideas:
    1. Butter, salt and pepper.
    2. Marshmallows.
    3. Brown sugar and cinnamon.
    4. Greek yogurt or dollop of sour cream.
    5. Pecans or any other nut variety.
    6. Egg, bacon, and salsa for a breakfast style sweet potato.
    7. Chili.
    Dec 28, 2022

    What makes sweet potatoes better? ›

    Because of their fiber and vitamin contents, sweet potatoes are often considered the healthier choice between the two. Sweet potatoes are likely healthier than regular potatoes. They have a lower GI, more fiber, and large amounts of beta carotene.

    What can I put on sweet potatoes besides butter? ›

    For something smoky, tangy, and nicely salty, smear some plain Greek yogurt on your sweet potato, then layer with smoked fish, scallions, and briny capers. Roast whatever mushrooms you have until crispy. Thin some tahini, adding a little yogurt for creaminess. Or mix hummus and yogurt, and spread on your potato.

    How do you make sweet potatoes not taste bad? ›

    14 Ways To Add More Flavor To Sweet Potatoes
    1. Slather with cinnamon butter. Siims/Getty Images. ...
    2. Drizzle with tahini. ...
    3. Roast with savory chili sauce. ...
    4. Sprinkle on some good ol' salt and pepper. ...
    5. Pan fry with ginger and orange. ...
    6. Rub with garlic and rosemary. ...
    7. Dip in honey mustard. ...
    8. Sweeten with brown sugar and pecans.
    Feb 17, 2023

    Why are my sweet potatoes bland? ›

    The longer and slower you cook a sweet potato, the more maltose is formed and the sweeter it will taste. So if you want a much less sweet potato try steaming it, or cut it into small pieces and roast on a higher heat.

    How do you add value to sweet potatoes? ›

    Boil and mash sweet potato into two litres of water and filter using a muslin cloth to produce a clear juice. After add other juices, such as lemon and pineapple to the juice to improve on the taste. Add sugar to the remaining water (four litres) and boil the solution in an aluminium pan, until syrup is formed.


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